25: Seer

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I always had a talent for ruining everything I touch.

A week back in Velaris after 500 years, and I had already sullied it. To protect me, Rhys had offered access to Velaris to Keir, allied with Eris of all people. I was only moments from collapsing, even if I kept my shoulders squared and an unaffected look on my face. Even as we winnowed back to the townhouse, I could not drop it. I could not let go, even in the slightest, not without crying.

The city was as beautiful as ever. My home. My sanctuary.

I would be to blame for it's destruction.

Cassian and Lucien sprung off the couch as we entered, taking note of the sorrow on our faces. I watched them both note the way I was clinging to Azriel, the twin crowns on our heads, the way my hand was shaking in his. And Mor, who had tears in her eyes and burning cheeks. Cassian moved for her.

The door didn't have a chance to shut before she whirled to Rhys and said, "Why?"

Her voice cracked, those tears finally falling. I wanted to go to her, but I was in no shape myself. I had become convinced that if Azriel's hand left mine, I would crack. His shadows humming in my ears and the strength of his touch were all I had left to keep me going. I felt worse than I had when I had returned from the Prison this morning, seemingly so long ago when Azriel had pieced me back together.

My brother only stared at Mor, face utterly unreadable.

She slammed her hands into his chest, shouting now, "Why?"

He stepped back from her, "Eris found Azriel, and we were out of options. I did the best I could." He took a deep breath, shaking on the inhale, "I'm sorry."

Cassian, Amren, Lucien, and Nesta were blinking surprised, unaware of what had happened. Unaware of the carnage my return had just wrought. All I could find in myself was to push out the memories towards them, pushing through their shields.

And then she turned to Azriel, and he angled himself in front of me, "Why didn't you say anything?"

His voice was calm and steady, "You would have tried to stop it. And we can't afford to lose Keir's alliance and let Eris run free with what he knows."

Mor's eyes turned to me, accusatory and knowing. I knew it would come back to bite me in the ass, binding Azriel to her. Even with that fake thread now faded to nothing, years of history lingered here.

"You're working with that prick?" Cassian cut in, disgust coursing through his voice, "His fucking head should be on a spike at our front gates."

"You'd risk losing Autumn as an ally?" Azriel countered.

It was Lucien who spoke up then, "Eris is a snake. I promise you he'll find a way to screw us over,."

"Your entire family is despicable, but Eris could prove to be a better alternative to Beron." Amren spoke up.

I braced myself for the annoyance that would flash across Lucien's face, at the bitterness that crept into his voice when he spoke of his family. But it never came, he only frowned. If anything, we should be supporting his bod for the Autumn throne, if he still wanted it.

"It's not about Eris." Mor broke through the silence, voice laced with swallowed pain, "It's about here. This is my home, and you are going to let Keir destroy it."

"I met with the governers of the Palaces and got them to agree to never serve, entertain, or shelter anyone from the Court of Nightmares this morning." Rhys answered, "I would not have made that deal without a plan. Keir and his ilk may come here, but they will find it to be a very unpleasant expirience."

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