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There is only one thing
That's certain in everyone's life
No matter what you do
You can't escape it
In fact
Trying to excape
You can run right into it
Its like your prey
And life's the predictor
Life can be way to complex
Things unexpected happen
You'll learn to use weapons
Like drugs
To escape the reality
Every now and then
You'll think about taking
A knife and slitting your throat
Splattering the blood
All over the walls
If only someone listened
You're beginning to feel numb
Nothingness and darkness
Began to cloud your vision
You'll do anything
To feel human again
Even if its nearing death
Feeling unloved
And hurt by all
Just invisible
To the universe
It's like your falling
Into a whole that never ends
Life swallowing you whole
You can't hide from death
Its the only thing
That's certain in everyone's life

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