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These random memories
Spark depression
It is like
As much as I want to forget
What I have gone through
The mention of your name
Makes my skin crawl
Hatred spews out of me
Like water does the hoes
When you first turn it on
I am nothing to you
That I won't forget
So I will remember that
And I hope you do too
When you are on your death bed
And your last words become my name
I regret meeting you
Nigga I pray I am not yours
Because you are not human
Anyone who can say I love you to a woman
Then gargle their spit
Then constantly spits on her face
Is not a man
You are far from a man
You are a weak individual
Who mimics human emotion
I pray that god sets your vexed soul free
That he lays hands on you
Not the way you did me or my mother
But in away you become a better person

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