Rainbowed Out

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I've become really good
Really good at storing my feelings
In a room
Then locking it up with several locks
And never entering

So this to me
Is one more thing
I can secretly get rid of

This is one more thing
I can let go
Without actually confronting
The situation

Because honestly
I just don't think I'll be able to take it

They say whatever doesn't kill you
Makes you stronger...

Then why do I feel as if
Now I'm weaker than I initially was
Why is it now
I'm busting out with anger
And leaving my pillows tear stained

Everything in my life reminds me of you
How can you hate someone
You can't even let go
Your scent

I'll have to wash off my sheets
Because you'll never lay beside me
And mean the same thing

Your touch
Will forever burn
Forever doesn't always mean eternity
It could mean just for that period of time

When I say my love
Lasts a lifetime
I mean just that

A lifetime
I never looked at you
N' felt hurt the way I do

I'll look at you
Peacefully asleep
Stroking your hair
N' dream of a lifetime

But today
I locked that pain in my chest up
Locked twenty dead blots
Hid every key
Then dusted myself off

No one gets a chance
Im that darkness
That'll strut past

That nigga that no one can hurt
I have no weaknesses
Because you're gone
I'm a stonewall
Reinforced by steel and gold

So don't look my way
I can ruin your life

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