Love is Love

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Complicate the mind
Causing you to go blind
Seeing what love wants you to see
Like he'll never hurt you
She'll always love you
The facts are people leave
Nobody stays the same
If you go through it together
And come out stronger than you went in
Y'all were meant to be
At the end of the day
We all want the same thing
An intense
Feeling of deep affection
Sexual attachments
A word that's used often
But do people truly know
The meaning
L= listening
O= overcoming
V= valuable
E= everlasting
Taking that into consideration
When it isn't meant
When said
L= lakes of sarrow
O= oceans of tears
V= valley of death
E= end of life
Love is a drug
People are addicted to
They want it so bad
They fall in lust
And mistaken it for love all the time
Love is absolute loyalty
People fade
Looks fade
Loyalty is everlasting
Love is patient
It doesn't envy
It isn't proud
It doesn't dishonor others
It isn't self-seeking
Or easily angered
Not keeping a record of wrongs
Love doesn't delight in evil
Yet it rejoices with truth
Always protecting
And perseveres
So when you look
For a relationship
Make sure
Your loved
Like your mother would love you
Like god would love you
This love isn't blinding
It illuminates your life
Causing you to glow
As if you were an angel
From up above

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