The Talk

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My thoughts weighing
Oh so heavily on my chest
Causing me to hiccup
& lose breath

A feeling I once felt before
But here & now
It burns way worse
It feels like lies

Then again it feels like
I've been stabbed in the eyes
Kicked between my thighs
& had salt thrown on my wounds

There she stood
Telling me once again
Yet in person
How we weren't meant to be

She fixed her perfect lips
Squinted her eyes clenched her fist
& said please don't hate me
Please don't turn away from me

I lean back on the wall
Pushing all the anger & emotions
I feared would jump right out
And explode on her

Back into my heaving chest
There I closed my eyes
& listened closely to her breathe
I am shaking in frustration

Because I'm in love
Not just with anybody
With her
With kesha

Swear my minds playing tricks
She looks me dead in my eyes
As my heart does flips
I am crushed

A love that made me feel high
A kiss that gave me butterflies
I concentrate hard
But as she inches closer

I lost all my cool
Stumble off
Trying not to shed these tears
One drop hits my cheek

I close the bathroom stall
Inch down to my knees
& slowly breathe
She comes in after me

I turn my headphones up
Pretending to ignore her
Falling onto the bathroom stall
I have now experienced

What you may call
Heart break
She calls my name
Dariii {3x}
& manages to squeak please talk to me out

Her voiced echoed in my ears
I could hear the hurt
Making her voice crack ever so slightly
But I refrained & kept silent

She walked away
Right then & there
I came to the conclusion

All people are replaceable
There is a time
& a season
For everyone

Emotions I can't comprehend
Flood my face
I stand up
Trying to dust off

What seems like all my feelings
I walk to the sink
Staring hard at my reddened face
& promise to remember

The way I felt
Love is a lesson
When you find it
It becomes a blessing

& you'll know by the first kiss
If it's meant
Though it's over now
I couldn't imagine a day without her

& you never know
What the future may hold
Those five long & very solid months
Weren't for nothing

No matter the weather
I'll still be that goofy friend
Just with a past behind our title
& me as the ex lover

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