The End.

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I've had this feeling
Like I'm chocking on a ball
Just sitting in the back of my throat
For what seems like forever

But this feeling
Is unbearable
I can't take this shit anymore

I just want to scream
And rip the hair from my scalp
One by one
Like I got a nervous condition

Any pain
Will feel amazing
Compared to what I'm feeling now
So I take and release
The stress
The best I know how

That's been causing my sleep
To deplete
It felt good
And then
All of a sudden
It felt like shit

The feelings came back
Ten times more heavier
Than before

I can't breath
It's like a seven hundred pound man
Sitting his fat ass on my chest
Causing me to hiccup
And lose breath

It's me
I know this
I don't know why it took
Me so long to see

I got hurt
Then used that pain
Which has helped fuel my anger

Now look at you
I turned those feelings I had
Into complete nothingness
My surface
As strong as an iphones face

This was the beginning
Of a new chapter

Why does it seem like
I'm an addict
Fighting to stay in the light

I'm not this person I'm becoming
Yet the thought of you
With someone else
Is sickening

I can imagine
How you felt
Being left afloat
Like a kittens new toy
From the door

You'd be foolish
To even pick up the phone
To write a text

The simplest smile
Seems so complex

This is goodbye
I guess
To let you know
I don't and I won't
Be here anymore

You know that
At least that's what you let escapee

My comfort zone
Like that dick

Fuck am I talking bout
I honestly at this point
Can't stand to be near you

The thought of you
Sends my emotions
Which I thought I didn't have
Into over drive

I'm ill
Sick for no fucking reason
I can't get up
I can't eat
I'm angry
For no fucking reason at all

Apologies mean nothing
But I'm all about actions
So excuse
My lame ass

I'm sorry

The end.

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