Do You Remember?

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Do you remember that night...
Because I remember it like last night


Because I will forever
Have those memories
Imbedded in my head
Like it was last night

The night you severed our family
Into microscopic pieces
Then sprinkled our pieces
Onto the floor
Scattering us as far as we'd go

Then you came back into our lives
Like nothing happened
Pouring alcohol into our wounds
Rubbing salt into our deep cuts
The night you turned
Our unimpeachable little sisters

Into putrid souls
That was the night your light changed
The rage in my soul was lit
Like gas in an explosion
Our fairy tale life
Turned into a horror story...

Those cuts
Became a deep gash like scar
That I've learn to cover up
With sarcasm, tattoos, music, and clothes

Do you remember?

Because I do

As long as I breathe
You'll never forget

Their faces said everything
Attitudes changed
I'm so fucked up
I completely ignored it

You changed our lives
N what makes it worse
You're still
Living in this fairytale world

As if mommies going to make it right
N' all will be the same

Hate is s strong word
I can admit
You living with me
Has made me feel
Something damn near close to it

is a understatement
I regret you
A smudge in our history
That can never be changed

I wish I could
Click my hills twice
Reliving everything we had
Because if I could do it again

I'd erase you from the book
Keeping our family
From the eternal pain

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