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No one wanted to know
What was lurking in the dark corners of her mind
Her poor heart kept searching for something
It seems like she'll never find
All they wanted to do
Was be inside her
They used and abused her
Telling her that love was pounding away at their doors
Saying that they loved her
Making her believe that they would stay
That they would love her
In ways she's never been loved before
Be everything that she wanted and needed
Once they've tasted her treasure and felt her warmth
They took off like a thief in the night
Never to have looked back
Missing out and Loosing what will be the best part of their lives
All these fake ass so called men
Chipping away at this once strong heart Dipping out and taking away the little pieces
Of her heart
Now she feels as if she can't win
She never learns
Always expects the next to be different
Loving too hard can leave you broken
Her heart had been bullied
She was hurt
Torn between the thought of being loved
And never finding it
She is scared she's going to fall
Fall Into this dark hole of hatred
She keeps telling herself maybe
Just maybe I'll find the Dimond
In all these Gems
A man not a boy
Will come into her life
Look into her eyes and fall
He'll fall for her soul not the surface
Her mother told her most guys
Especially the young ones don't know what love is
They never go deeper than the surface
Hardly ever scratching at what lies In front of them
Blind to what is between her eyes
Focused on achieving one goal
Solely what lies between her thighs
To buss a nut
And fuck every girl that they think is beautiful
On the outside
Don't no young boy
Think to himself
She's so smart
Her personality is off the charts
She has a good heart
And she has these morals that a woman should have
Nahh they wanna know does this pussy feel like the next
Or how can I get the tip of my dick wet
They mimic what was taught
By the men they look up too
Nowadays It's hard to find a gentleman
Because there aren't any men left to show em
So they focus of what everyone else there age is
And us women loosing hope In finding love
Because we rather become the player
Then be the ones getting played
We watch our brothers and fathers
Treat the women we love
And are supposed to become like shit
Right then and there
We promise ourselves to never
Be in the position they were in
To never be that female
That he slips up and call BITCH
The one he huffs and puffs at
Spitting in their faces and treating like shit
That I promise will never be me
Because I rather be alone for the rest of my life
Then to swallow my pride
And be the BITCH
He'd hate for someone to call his
Mother, Sister, or Daughter

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