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I'm sitting
Sitting in the dark alone
With little light glistening off my phone
It's supposed to be quiet
But my thoughts keep interrupting
The motionless air
My head so full
It's like the KIDs
High off of sugar
Bouncing off the walls
Leaving my head to tumble
Down hill
My minds always so laden
I can barely think
Rose petals
Satin sheets
My fuzzy socks
And calm music
I wish to sooth my thoughts
But the moment my face hits the sheets
A single thought
Kills me
Stopping me
Damn near in my tracks
This shits wack
This isn't meant and I know it
So I know you know it
Open your eye
Nigga don't blow it
I work like a slave
Just to have gone nowhere
Weak minded
Others thoughts affect her
Loud mouthed
Bug head little bodied
But underneath he's just as scared
As a cancer patient is of dying
Left quivering
Alone in the dark
By himself

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