May Tuesday 8th, 2018

14 1 0

This pad is to be written on
This pad is to be a table
I can lay all my cards on
So I can talk less

Breathe a lot easier
Feel without wearing my thoughts
Express when I can't find the words
To put in a sentence

This is my heart in Written form
A place for security
A place to voice my anger, short comings...
Disbelief, hurt, grief, and love

This pad is where my thoughts overflow
Like white wine in my glass
I always can felt better
Especially once it was jotted down

I felt better when my mind wasn't
Crammed... cramped... stuffed
With ideas, and wild thoughts
It means more when wrote down

It's like...
That person took the time and effort
To compose a letter, poem, or note
For my sake

A feelings that makes you feel intoxicated

~ Darryelle A. Wilkerson
May Wednesday 23rd, 2018 11:17pm

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