Past over Present

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I open my eyes
And all the mistakes I've made
Fly past my face and shit on my head
Like the birds at a cookout

You deserve the world
& I can't even give you an ounce of it
I love you
Words that ring in my ears
Like bells on a door of a front entrance

You call
And I watch it ring
You're different
Nothing like I've ever encountered

A smile slides across my face
As I answer it
You cheese from ear to ear
N first thing first Is i love you

We talk for a bit
Then complete silence fills the air
I watch you move about
Body damn near naked

Only your underwear
Covers your treasure
All I wish... is to be laid up with you
To smell you scent

Music playing in the background
Your voice a melody my heart jumps too
I hear your past
Is just a story

& once you realize this
It has no power over you
But I close my eyes
As if to awake to my past

Casting shadows over my present

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