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The words she uttered didn't resonate

In fact they burned
Like a little fire in the woods
Catching & swallowing whole
Everything in sight

When hell freezes over
That's when I know for certain
I'll be straight

Her glare so intense
I start to feel as if she's burning holes
In the back of my skull

Her words anger me
The cause of the pain
But it aches so deep
It hurts my soul

So I apologies...
But I can't pretend
I'm over joyed with happiness
My cup over flows with anger
I'm yelling and changing colors

Music saving your life once again
Flag on the play
I throw the yellow flag in

I'm sick...
I'm tired...
& you're a waste of space and energy

You betrayed me
You were my friend
Now you're dead to me

Look man
Don't you see
You're burning all bridges
You've ever had

Friendships... Ripped
Basically shattered

All the stitches in the world
Couldn't put it back together
Ever heard the saying tread lightly
Because if you don't
There's no telling where you'd be

Emotions clearly aren't your
Strong suit
But if you don't ever
Try something new 
You'll never know

I leave the doors unlocked
That was a mistake
Because now... you think you know me

Twisting my words to benefit you
This is cruel
You're everything I dislike
In the saddened world


You're like an onion
& every layer I un-peel
I discover
Something you can't come back from

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