I asked
A long ass time ago
For a person
That'd be more special than Kia
Then I found you
Specks of blue
Shards of yellow
I knew a fellow
Who fiddled
Mixing whites and blacks
Making a color that lacked
In color
Tongue sharp
Eyes alert and woke
Like the the mouse
When hiding from the cat
He took those strings
Strung high in the sky
Pulling and pulling down
Until an ounce of hope
Fell out; into his lap
The colors seeped out
Like blood from a wound
My world was no longer Achromatic
I saw blues
And greens
And purples
Then pink
Then burgundy
Your energy
Exploding like a lit cigarette
Once thrown into some gasoline
Our kisses
Made fireworks in my body
Your touch
Left me weak
With you I am somebody
Black and white fade back in
Leaving me colorless
Like the tvs in the 50s
My name is Achromatic
My name is cloud covered sky
Filled with ash and lead
A land full of dead bodies