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The lies
Hurt to the soul
It's like a fire
Being set to the forest

You're making a commotion
Not to mention
Playing with my emotions
Scorching me with every move

The attraction
drastic & fatal
To our health

Jerking me around
Pulling my chain with every turn
The language you speak
Manure to my nose

Like you pretend to be Jazz
Lathering me up
Like you're buttering a potato
Before baking

I swear
It feels as if
Love never existed
You're a bad player

You being
What my momma always warned me about
Manipulated me into thinking
You were right for me

Sat nicely at my door step
Bow tied up perfectly
I honestly don't know what I seen
But I'm talking shit cuz I'm in my feelings

So pay no mind to me
I'm talking dangerously
Trying to numb the pain
With some writing

So listen closely
You might have to read
In between the lines
By all means ask questions

Wrapping paper
Screaming caution
I'm too fucking green
To notice

Now my chest open
My momma always said
Never second guess yourself
So when that thought came to mind

In all honesty
I tried to dismiss that shit
Caught up in my emotions
I approached that shit

Boy was I fool
Played by a walking hazard sign
Lost in the words
Blinded by the actions

Abused by every little thing done
& worked up by every move
I'm done

Because If it was chess
My king would've been captured
My queen killed
Basically leaving all the rest to rest

Look at me
I'm not even at best
Laid all my cards
Flat on the table

Showing you things
No one knows about me
Trying to be the rainbow
In your cloudy day

Fighting for damaged luggage
Visible bruises
Lacerations so deep

They Damn near touching
The fractured bones
Was starting to think
You were my home

Making shit up in my head
That will never be our reality
Mauner at it's finest

There's some sayings
That not everything
That glitter is gold
Hell they ain't ever lied

& If it's meant to be
It'll happen captain
Like the sun setting in the east
Or everyone dying at the end

If something can be taken and shaken
It was never yours to began with
Ohhhhh this bullshit
I wanna hit something

All I can think about
Was how I wanted to see your face
So I showered
And got dressed to step

Packed my bag
Grabbed my keys
Laced my shoes up
And out the door I crept

Little did I know
How this day was really bout to go
Took me what felt like hours to get there
I was at our meeting spot

Texted you like Damn wya?
Text back with a slow reply
I'm at my momma house
I'll be there soon
Give a nigga five minutes

I sat here waiting for someone
I mean something
That'll never come

You're the fat
Clogging an over weight persons
Deadly if not nipped in a bud

We were doomed from the start
A mess that was dressed
To look like success
What you'd call

A big ass mess

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