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I am not man enough
To watch you crumble
In the arms of another

When I tell you this is it
I mean...

I am not man enough
To watch the tears fall
Hitting and rolling down your cheeks
Like rain on a windshield

Hearing you scream my name
In pain, simply because
You think I'll bend that corner
Once again

You carried me nine months
N' with a swift kick
I popped right out

You kissed my boo-boos
When I had fallen and hurt myself
You picked me up
N' dusted me off

These days; lately
Seem to run close together
I can't close my eyes
Cuz the dreams
Haunt me

Those big almond shaped eyes
Sadden & laden with pain

I don't think
I can do this anymore
Please don't think
It's you because

Some days are ok
Others I lose myself in my name

I keep hearing just breathe
As if breathing makes it any easier

The drum that beats in my ears
Are the echos
Of my heart rippling
Through the canals
Of my ears

If today's the last day
You see air fill my lungs

I want you to know
I love you
N' I know that you loved me

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