Stormy Weather

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A storm is about to befall
Upon your shoulders

The kind of storm
That takes down trees
Shuts down power
Then washes people
And whole houses away
From their families and sound structures

But when you think about it
It's just a storm


We go through things everyday
Sometimes we can take it
N' others will need a strong backbone
To withstand the hardship

No matter what we go through
You can't look at what you don't have
But what's right in front of you

Because you'll fall deeper into
This nothingness
Of a dark hardened soul

Though I have not walked in your shoes
I have followed alongside of you
And worn the soles off mine
Equally to yours

Fighting against
Some of the same shit you have
Just in different times
And many different places

I've looked my demons in their eyes
Fought tooth and nail
Till I had nothing else to give
I've lived and loss
I have cried out in pain
Screaming your name

No matter the size of the demons
I have prevailed
God has prevailed
The credit is all yours

My arms are wide open lord
You've tested my strength
Then bent me out of shape
I have yet to have been broken

All because of you
This storm
Has broken windows
Hurt/ Killed people

Now the sun is shinning through
It's all because of you

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