Have I told you yet

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When we first met

I couldn't help to think

This isn't a permanent fix

She's unknown, 

She isn't at all what I go for

She was and still is

Completely out of my comfort zone

 Then one night we had this talk

It then felt a little familiar

We've gone through some of the same stuff

We both had siblings

With some of the same issues  

That one talk spooked me

I avoided her texts for like a week

Then out of the blue one day

There I was,

Composing a text

Next thing I know

I'm on my way home calling her

She had this laugh

That painted a smile on my face

Everyday for weeks

We were on the phone

From the time we woke up

To the time we went to sleep

She was all I could think about

She is perfect beyond reason

As far as what I can see

She's a present god has sent down to me

She's as close as you'll get to heaven on earth

She's the breeze that pushes

Through the palm trees 

When I feel weak

I lose myself inside of her

She is the ribbon placed upon a present

Perched upon the floor

Under the tree

The gift you give to someone

You know for certain will appreciate it

She's a gem

I was lucky enough to find

This ice cold heart

Couldn't be any warmer

Have I told you yet...

I mean have I spilled my secrets

I think you deserve to hear

Have I told you yet...

How much you mean to me?

Have I told you yet...

That you mean the world to me

Have I told you yet...

About the way my stomach flutters

And that my chest aches

How I can't get enough of your smell

You're the best thing

That's ever happened to me

I want you to know

How much you're important

I love you, ya know..

There was a time I thought

I could do this

Living on my own, Just works

Then I met this woman

This woman being you

Who leaves all her clothes on the floor

Whose toes smell like

Salt and vinegar, or corn chips 

She's changed me

You've changed me

Everyone can see it

Girl I love you


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