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Love of my life
I look at you
Then think to myself
She is to great to be real

She's to easy going
To be setting fires
My soul

Pure beauty... that's undeniable

Then I think aloud

Give me a reason
A reason to leave
And never look back

Give me a reason
Not to drop all my eggs in your basket
A reason to smile
Cause life can be full of gloom

Give me a reason
Not to fall
Deeper in love
With you and your pretty brown eyes

Darneé... My love
There isn't a hole
We can't dig ourselves out of
Side by side

Not one day
I can go
Without thinking...
Thinking bout you and I

I don't mind falling
If this means
I can be a thousand times
Closer to you

I'm trying to find a reason
Not to trip
Then stumble
When you walk in a room

I'm trying to find
A in between
Because if i don't
I'll lose it

Then swallow my tongue
When it comes time
To speak...

Your imperfections
Are worn as if they're perfection
Written on your sleeves;
Like tattoos

You aren't batter or bruised

You're a warrior in the making
You're happiness
When a mother finds
Her child has taken their first steps

Every curve to your sun kissed
Gift, we call melanin
Leaves a imprint
On those around you

You drive me insane
You leave me breathless
Then find ways
To breathe life into me

You mean more to me
Then music
Your equal to the air
That fills my lungs

I just want to say
I love you like a fat kid love cake

I need you like the sun
Needs to rise
To set

Word to the wise
You are a true beauty in disguise

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