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Your flaws and mistakes
Make me love you...
For you
Your quirks,
Make it worth
Reading your story
From beginning to end

I could write 1,000 things
Just. About.. You...
But nothing,
And I do mean nothing
Can ever compare
To the little signatures
God has left all over you

You're shades of
Browns and whites
Yellows and greens
Then black and blue
But every shade
Is a little chapter written
Solely for you

I love every atom
That constructed your soul
That person you were
Isn't you anymore

Inhale and exhale
A cloud of stress leaving
With just a single breath
There is a title wave
A title wave of emotion
Headed your way

Brace yourself
You. Are.. Strong...
Stronger then you know
Positivity is key

I am inquisitive
Especially when it comes to you
Because when I'm learning you
It means we're connecting
Connecting on a deeper level
I found myself...
once again

On the outside looking in
Appreciating every bit of you
From your eyes to your years
All the way down to your sweaty feet

Red hair or brown
Black or gray
Young or old
We've always been around
Watching each other

I remember admiring you
From afar
Thinking things
That'll make you blush

Went from friends to lovers
Lovers to bestfriend's
A day without you
Is like being lost
In the forest
Tripping on shrooms

Trying to find my way back
To you...
You my friend
Are what it feels like
To bask in the sun

That alone gives me hope
For us...
For us in what's to come

To the moon and back
Carlease 4eva

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