Love just is

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Is love definable?

Love is more than
An action
Love is more
Than a statement
An expression
Or a feeling

Sometimes love just is

No matter
The amount of experience
In love

Love just Is

Love maybe be complicated
Some may say even easy

But my statement still stands
Because love just is
Love is a small gift from god
Wrapped in everyday things

A kiss on the cheek
A gift because someone
Was thinking solely about you

Love is everything
N' nothing at all

Love is a blanket
Placed over you
When you've fallen asleep elsewhere

Love is hard to describe
It has no shape or form

It bends and sometimes it brakes
But love never dies

Love cradles us
When we make
Our grand entrance
N' holds us tight
As we exit

Love can make you feel whole
N' sometimes leave you feeling
The emptiest

Love is not prejudice
It won't discriminate
Because love is blind

Is love definable?
A question
We all seek the answer to
But nobody knows

Is love definable?
Love just is

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