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Use your head she said
My thoughts go blank

I can't see
Fuck do you want from me

My eyes are covered
My heart shut off to the world
My figure loud
Front and center

I am not the ghost
I showed you in the past
I am not the dark
That tends to surface
When things get rough

I am not perfect
Can't you see...
I'm trying to be
It's hard

My mind is darkened
Like my heart and soul
I want more then friends

I can't bare the fact
We are like oil and water
Constantly at odds
Words don't mean a damn thing


So I'm trying to be the action
You so desperately looking for in me
I'm trying to be open
up front

This pain in my chest
Got me ready to combust
Sometimes love ain't enough

Sometimes we become so hurt
We shield and shut off
Our hearts from the words

I can't get right to save us
I'm trying to change
I'm just not sure I'm enough

I miss your lips
And hips
Your hugs
Your voice
That evil ass personality

It's like I'm pregnant
And only craving you

I'm feening
Jonesing after you
My drug of choice
My love

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