Rest Easy Dog

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The suns setting
The sky's a pretty peach & blue color
My vibes are mellow
The music plays in my ears
Like a schools orchestra
Playing symphonies in our gym
My heads about to roll off my shoulders
My thoughts are a double edged blade
Sharper than a katana
If only you knew the pain
I was experiencing
My heart aches for you
I lose everyone I've ever loved
My hearts encumbered
I'm trying to out run my demons
Only an intruder
Can peer in and tell me
I'm running outa time
My eyes slowly shutting
A silence comes over my body
The music notes slide through my ears
Like my fingers sliding across the keyboard
You can get addicted
To a certain feeling
Like a drug you can't go without
My aggression is impassive
I don't let a lot of people in
But you got admission
So don't take that for granted
My wounds healed
But they didn't heal properly
When the wind blows the slightest
The ones from you...
Ache the deepest
I'm here in my backyard
Building a fantasy
Because let's face reality
Fuck reality
There's nothing here for me
Memories keep playing back
All the nights I used to hate to love
Click, boom, clack
Do you really wanna know me?
On that deep level
The empty rooms that have clocks
And the clocks don't tick
The times wrong
And the windows let in light
But it's dark outside
Do you really wanna know me?
The side where
I get too angry to be calmed
Where I punch brick walls
And scream till I can't breathe
Do you really wanna know me?
I turn colors like
All types of reds and greens
Yellows, then blue
Like blue balls
There's no excuse
But may I be excused
Cuz niggas change up like the weather
They'll be down until
You can't do for them
Then they switch up like wet leather
I'm that suede
Those delicate panties
That must be air dried
I'm those Jordans you can only dream about
But I guess I can only see that
Use and abuse me
Kill my happiness with a smile
Shoot me down
What do I have fool
Written in caps across my forehead?
Love me and never throw me away
I'll bleed for you
Take a bullet
I'll give my last
Until I can't breathe anymore
Trust in my words
Because for you I changed
Used to play niggas like violins
Now they think I'm caged
If only you knew the dog I was
Killing dreams like babies
Being popped out in 2017
These hands have seen so much blood
& now it's time to lay them to rest
Because you bring out them best
In what I only see darkening
I pray once I open my eyes
That this isn't a dream

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