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We Sit across from each other
And no emotion
Is playing on her face
Then out of the blue
A smirk slides across her lips
Just like one does on your girls face
As i slide into her Dms

I say as she gestures
For me to keep going
This is an interrogation
This is me butting into your life
I need answers
I need truths

Your birthday is when?
Your sign is what?
You were born where?
Do you know the exact time
You came into this world?
She stares into my eyes
A look of mere enjoyment
Flickering in hers
The Summer of 98 on the 18th day of June
Cancer I am
England is where I was birthed
At 6:23 am
I jot it down
As she spat the answers out

Favorite sibling?
How many siblings?
Their names and ages are?
I spat back at her

I'm not the only child
If that's what your asking
My smirk fades into a stern look
My twin is my favorite
Five siblings
There's Kevlin at 23
Sara at 20
19 at Tiffany
Sam is 18
Fozy & I are 17
Her smirk enlarged
I can tell she was in mid thought
But about what

You been at this school long?
No actually I haven't
A calm tone comes into play

Do you like this school?
I tap my pencil
Patiently awaiting
Her answer to part
From her smooth pink lips
Yes i do

I retored slowly
Because of
The people & teachers
They are nice
And very understanding
I clear my throat

Would you attend
Another school?
I'd rather stay here
I pause causing
A really awkward
Moment to surface

Her favorite is soccer
But has no favorite soccer team
She was 10
When her brothers introduce
Soccer to her
But doesn't play any sports

Little old' Marian

Not a fan of poetry
Says its hard to express
And address
Her feelings
Shes written poetry
Only for English
Poetry she's read
But not often

This is an interrogation
Where you'll find
Out the strangest things
Her favorite animal being
A polar bear
And its because
Their so cute
Or the fact
She'd get a small tattoo

Her body a virgin to a tattoo gun
Yet she wants one
Where you ask?
On her wrist

Is what I'm doing
When questioning
Her right in front of a bright light

She says polar bears are adorable
She'd own one if possible
I close my book
Slapping my pen
Onto the table hard
I get up and walk out
Shutting the lights off
I turn my head
Staring her dead into her eyes
Shutting the door
Interrogation over

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