Flashbacks |15|

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(Harleys POV)

December 1st 2023

"You know coping mechanisms are great ways to help you Harley." Doctor Freya suggests. "Mhm." I let out softly. Doctor Freya, my one and only therapist. I've been seeing her since June, right after my birthday actually. I'm getting the help I 'need', especially now according to everyone. My life for the past three months has been a total reck. "We'll discuss new ones next session on Tuesday all right?" She says. "Okay, thank you." I say grabbing my bag walking out of her 'office'. The place scares me, it's like a children's physic ward up in there. I giggle at my thoughts. I walk into the elevator and press the ground floor button. ding. I walk out the elevator to my white jeep and start to drive home.

Time skip
20 minutes

I get home I walk inside to be greeted by my brother, Chris. "Hey you." He says hugging me. "Hey Chris." I smile hugging him back. We talk a little bit more than he starts on dinner and I walk up to my room to place my stuff down. I do just that and sit on my bed, slowly drifting into my thoughts. And not the good ones. No Harley. Dr Freya- uh coping mechanisms- um. Fingers! Right. Just press my thumb against each finger and count. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine- Nine's when it all happened. Nine pm. My heart shattered into two.




October 21st

It's almost our eleven month anniversary, well technically if you don't count the break. To be fair all we did was think about each other that whole time. Anyways not the point. I smile at my thoughts as I'm driving back home from another meeting, a very fucking long one. Left in the morning and it's around 9ish now I assume. I'm staying at my girlfriend's house tonight because we need alone time from my brothers. Like we love them but we need our privacy, andddd it gives us a good taste of what living together would be like. It's a thought I've had for a while. I was thinking of asking her about it on our one year anniversary. A month and a couple days away but gives me time on if I really want to ask it. Slight problem though, we had a fight yesterday. About what people think.

But I feel horrible for it so I'm going to quickly drop by the petrol station, fill up my car and pick her up some roses. Her favourite flower. I know, it's strange how a station has flowers.

Time skip
36 minutes

Finally home, well Madison's but also mine half the week. I open up the front door with the red roses in my left hand only to be greeted by the cutest doggy duo, Marley and Presley. The lights are all turned off, I assume she's asleep. I mean it's lateish and she's a singer so I don't blame her for fixing her sleep schedule. I take my shoes off at the door and place my bag on the kitchen bench. I walk right to her room. I'm so tired, I just wanna be in her arms already. I pull down on the handle opening her bedroom door. Oh that's strange, her bathroom light is on. My eyes redirect from the bathroom to her asleep on her side facing the window. She adorab- Wait that's not her hair color.

She doesn't have light brown hair, she has dark wavy locks. "Hey Mads." I say softly. No response. There's no way that could be another girl. My heart is racing at this point, thoughts telling me to pull down the blanket to see who it is, other ones telling me maybe she just dyed her hair again. Fuck. I take a deep breath, okay here goes nothing. I pull the sheets down the tiniest bit and I can see two hair colors. Two completely different shades of brown. Dark and light. I pull it down further expecting the worst. And there she is. Madison being held, cared for, all in one night, and it's not me. I take a step back with my heart falling to the floor. I have no control over my panicing body. My heart racing at a thousand miles per second and my eyes filling with tears. The roses drop out of my left hand, my phone following right after, it falls onto the carpet covered floor making a loud thud.

𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐝 - 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐁𝐞𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now