Nda |14|

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(Harley's POV)

There's silence between us. "I didn't want to break up you know." She says. "Then why did you?" I question. "Because I was mad. I never let you talk your side of the story." "I fucking know that." "I'm not trying to fight." "Sorry." I say softly. I just feel her looking at me with her dark brown eyes. "I've heard the song you wrote." "How'd- what?" "Tate showed me it." "Of course she did." I say putting my face in my hands. "Surprised you went back to song writing." "Still an actor." "I know but the song's really good Harls." "Mhm." "I like the lyrics, they remind me of someone." "Who?" "Me." "Maybe because it is about you?" Her eyes widen at my words. "Please like you didn't already know." I scoff. "Oh please it's easy to tell but to hear you admit to your mistakes? Now that's something new for Harley."

"Just fuck off if you want to fight." She tilts her head slightly down at my words. "You kissed somebody else?" She says sounding hurt making me look at her confused. " 'So I kissed somebody else just to see how it felt.' " She replies slowly lifting her head.
" 'But all that was going through my brain was your hands around my waist. You know how to do it so well.' Think Madison, think." "So you miss me." "No I don't." The biggest lie I've ever told. "Please I've known you since you were two I can tell when you lie." "What do you want? You broke up with me. So what?" "I didn't want to." "God you think I wanted to go through it either? I've spent every fucking day without hearing your voice, not even a text and it fucking kills me Madison. Kills me." "So that explains the lyrics 'Last night for the very first time you didn't even try to call. Oh I won't lie I thought I might die.' Glad we feel the same though." "How do you know these lyrics off by heart?" "They're all I think about all day." "This is getting us nowhere. What. do. You. Want." "You. I want you. I've always wanted you. Not Jack, not Zack, not Nick, you and I got what I wanted but clearly it was too good to be true."

"Just be fucking grateful I didn't make you sign a nda." I scoff. "Excuse me?" She says shocked. Usually everyone I date or become friends with I make them sign a nda. (Non-disclosure agreement) "Your excused." I say trying to hold back my smile but she sees right through me. "Holy fuck you're petty." "You should probably sign one. I'll get that for you." "No no no. You don't trust me?" "Surprise." I lie. I trust her with my whole life. "What the fuck. My lyrics were right." "Huh?" I look at her confused. "I would take a bullet for you just to prove my love. Only to find out you are the one holding the gun." "Wait that song was about me?" "No shit." "Nda right now." I get up and walk through my back door up to my room. Madison following closely behind. I look through my draws and find a piece of paper. I hand it to her finding a pen near by also giving that to her.

"You're fucking kidding yourself." She scoffs. "Uh no?" I reply. I'm pissed off. Not that she has written songs about me, I fully deserve that. It's because I've spent months trying to focus on myself and trying to forget about her but here she is. "Nope fuck this." She saying ripping the paper in half. She scrunches it up into a ball and throws it at my face. "Thanks asshole." I say picking up the paper to throw it in the small trash bin beside my bathroom door. "Why don't you trust me for fuck sake Harley?" She says while I sit on my bed."Because you threw me a side Madison! You threw me away like I was nothing. I'm not ashamed of you. I'm not embarrassed by you. It's just other people have to be comfortable coming out. And the whole world knew before my mom. I've been avoiding my whole fucking life at this point because I'm scared. I'm scared of what people think. Not because of you, because of what they'd think about me."

"I'm sorry I left you like that but you can still trust me." "Fucking should be sorry." I mumble. I stand up and start to walk to my bedroom door. She grabs my arm spinning me around. "Leave me alone." My voice breaks. "Harley Sturniolo I fucking love you and I was going through my own shit and took that out on you. I'm sorry, I truely am." "Please Madison, dont make this harder than it already is." "I don't get it. I hear things saying you're still in love with me yet you're standing here telling me you're not." "I never said that." "Then what do you want to say?" "That this is the best thing that has happened to me in years and I'm sorry I let that go." "You made a promise." "Forever eventually." I say with tears filling my eyes. "Don't leave it like this." "Like what? I'm done with your games. You want me then you don't. I'll live without you." "But I can't live without you." She says pulling me closer. "Madiso-" She cuts me off by kissing me.

I'm shocked at first but let it be. She pulls away. "I- I'm sorry." She says pushing past me and running out the door. "Madison!" I shout hoping that she'd come back.

Fuck. me.

I run downstairs. "Tate! Have you seen Mads?" I ask her in a rush. "She just went out the front door." Tate says. "Thanks." I run to my front door. I open it and shout for Madison. No answer. The street was cold and empty besides all the cars parked on the road. "Madison please!" I yell. Nothing but the breeze of Los Angeles blowing against my body. I couldn't be anymore worried. "I shouldn't have said that! I was pissed! I trust you with everything, my whole life at this point even though we haven't talked since March!" I shout begging for a response at this point. "I'm selfish, I get it. I lied. I can't live without you. I've spent the past four months trying to get over you but I can't, I can't even forgive myself for missing your birthday! I've spent everyday on set and in my bed wondering how your tour was going or how you were today. I need you." I lower my voice but still hearable.

"You know how much I've missed you?" Madison's voice coming from behind me, she wraps her arms around my waist before I could even turn around. A sense of relief flows through my body. "Do you mean it?" She asks letting me go and turning me around. "Every word." I smile. "Okay but we need to talk about that nda part, that hurt." She says giggling. "I was just pissed." I say lowering my head. She puts her hand on my face tilling it up. "I forgive you if you forgive me." She smiles. "I forgive you." I reply with a sorry look on my face. She kisses me then let's go. "Now let's enjoy your birthday." She says grabbing my hand walking me back inside. "Harley!" Matt says clearly drunk holding Nessa with him. "Oh god." I laugh. Matt and Nessa give each other a look. The look. "Are you two back together orrr?" Nessa asks looking down at our holding hands. I look at Madison and she looks at me. I give her a reassuring smile. "God I hope so." Madison says pulling me closer as if we weren't already touching. "Yes we are." I say making her face light up along with my best friend and brother.

"I knew it!" Matt yelled. "Shut up." I roll my eyes sarcastically.

Time skip

"Awwww." I wake up to someone's voice. I open my eyes slowly to see its Nick and Matt. "Fuck off." I groan. "That's so cute." Matt smiles. I'm honestly so confused about what they're awing about. I wake up properly and see that I'm wrapped in Madison's sleeping arms. A smile forms on my face. Madison wakes up. "Good morning." She says in her sleepy voice with a slight smile on her honey coloured face. (Meaning her tan people.) "Good morning." I reply kissing her parted lips. "Okay wrap this up, breakfast lovebirds." Nick rolls his eyes jokingly walking out my room with Matt. "Oh so you're not mad?" She says softly. "How could I be mad at your pretty face?" I look into her hazel forest eyes. "I really am sorry." She smiles nervously. "I'm sorry too. For everything." She kisses me and we get out of bed and walk downstairs. We eat breakfast and talk about everything to clear any tension. And just like that we lasted, forever.

Writers Note

Thank you so much for reading this stupid book. It means so much to me.
I would also like to thank everyone who voted, commented and followed.
This book has a place in my heart, I love it 😭

⚠️ SO there may be a sequel if yous want it just tell me yk 🤷🏼‍♀️ ⚠️

There will be a new book soon. Maybe today. But this one will be about Nessa Barrett 🫶🏼 because simply I just want to. Anyways thank you again and make sure to check out my other books if you haven't already. And lastly.

Love yousss 💞

- Jessi F ❤️

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