Chapter 2

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I delved into the records of our school's varsity teams and discovered that our girls' football team hasn't clinched a victory in years. The last triumph dates back nine years ago. Perhaps this was why there was talk of scrapping the girls' football team, as it seemed like a futile expenditure. However, everything changed last semester when a freshman student joined and showcased her skills. Initially timid, she transformed into a confident player once she tasted victory. It's ironic how winning can sometimes lead to undesirable behavior.

"Pres?" Nam's knock on my office door snapped me out of my thoughts, prompting me to close the folder containing the team's information and news. I waited for her to enter, and when she did, she was accompanied by a student who looked nothing like the profile I had seen.

"Is that Rebecca?" I pointed to the girl Nam was with.

"No," Nam shook her head. "She's Irin, also a freshman. She's Rebecca's friend; you can ask her about the team captain."

I motioned for Nam to leave so I could talk to the girl. Despite not having a typical athlete's physique, Irin didn't seem like the type to be on the field. I gestured for her to sit and sighed before removing my glasses and addressing her.

"Before we continue, may I ask you something?" I reopened the folder. "It says here that in your last match, the team captain relinquished her position because the coach instructed her to. Did she appoint Rebecca as the new captain right after winning one match?" I emphasized the "one match," as it seemed dubious to promote a player to captaincy based solely on one victory against other schools.

"It wasn't the coach, Miss President. The University President was present during the match and asked our coach to make her the captain. If they want to prevent the team's abolition, then they should make her the captain," Irin replied confidently.

The President? But he rarely showed interest in the varsity teams, often expressing doubts about their future. He was consistently stern. Why the sudden change of heart?

"The President was there?" I sought confirmation.

"The President is Rebecca's uncle," Irin revealed with a smile.

That explained everything. Rebecca had used her connections to secure the position, yet she wasn't fulfilling her duties. She was frequently absent and lacked cohesion with her team. How could she lead if she didn't know how to unite them? Our varsity team was headed for trouble.

"Please call Rebecca. I need to speak with her," I instructed, standing up to retrieve a new document and quickly skim through it.

"She's on her way," Irin informed before excusing herself.

As I leaned back in my chair, glancing at the clock, I realized I had classes at 9 am. I needed to wrap this up to avoid further interruptions from the sports committee, even though it wasn't my direct responsibility.

"Is this the office of the student council president?" A freshman asked, her beauty striking. Her long lashes framed her captivating eyes, and her button nose and soft pink lips were angelic. What was she doing here?

"How can I assist you?" I attempted to maintain composure.

Surrounded by handsome guys, I hadn't realized such a stunning girl existed. Her hair was messily tied up, and she was wearing—wait, was she the team captain they were talking about?

My mood shifted, and my impression soured. I sat back down, motioning for her to take a seat, but she remained standing, inspecting the trophies displayed on the shelf.

"Where have you been? The sports committee asked for our help in counseling you," I inquired directly.

Rebecca chuckled, then approached me, pushing the documents aside before sitting on my desk.

I huffed. Who did she think she was, acting as if she had special privileges because the President was her uncle?

"I don't need a team, Miss President. I can win alone," she grinned, locking eyes with me. "I can win anything, or anyone."

"What?" I asked, unimpressed.

"Perhaps you?" she chuckled, inching closer, attempting to close the gap between us.

"You need to attend training with your team, Miss Armstrong, or consider stepping down as captain and letting someone else lead," I suggested, leaning in until she was the one who moved back and sat on the chair.

"It's boring," she replied dismissively. "But if you're watching, then count me in."

"Are you flirting with me?" I rolled my eyes. "Our school is gender-neutral, but that doesn't mean I'll entertain your advances, Miss Armstrong. I have principles, one of which is to date a respectable person."

"Billy, right?" Rebecca smirked, shaking her head. How did she know about my crush on the former student council president? "I saw you with Billy last semester. You looked at him with such adoration."

"That's none of your concern, Rebecca. Go practice with your team," I said, glancing at the clock once more. Fifteen minutes until 9 am. I needed to conclude this conversation.

"I'll consider it if you consider my request, Miss Chankimha," she stood up, glancing back. "I'm serious. If you don't watch, I won't practice."

"I have classes. I'm still a student. I can't watch you all the time," I conceded, realizing arguing further would only prolong the discussion.

"Then we'll practice during your free time. No problem at all," she smiled, turning to leave. "See you soon, Miss President. I can't wait to impress you."

Damn you, Rebecca Patricia Armstrong. You're the first person to put me in this situation!

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