Chapter 8

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There was no reason for me to wake up early to go to the office. It was unusual. Typically, I would wake up early to go there, even though I wasn't the student council president anymore, but I was still part of it. However, this situation was different. I wasn't allowed to work for the council because I needed to focus on tutoring a freshman. The thought of being a teacher, let alone babysitting someone, didn't sit well with me.

"Why are you still here?" Mew asked as he put on his uniform for his new job.

"My class doesn't start until 1 pm. There's no need to leave early," I replied, heading to the kitchen to eat breakfast. This new routine felt strange to me and threatened to make me lazy.

"Do you want to come with me? I'll drop you off at school during my lunch break so you won't get bored here," Mew offered. My heart skipped a beat. Was he really taking me there? Was he even allowed to?

"Are you sure?" I asked, surprised by his offer.

"Yep. Go on, get ready. I'll wait for you," Mew said with a smile, so I rushed to my room to prepare myself. I decided to forgo makeup for now, planning to apply it later during lunch.

Thirty minutes later, Mew and I headed to the car shop where he worked. It was conveniently close to our university, and I could easily walk if I wanted to.

The shop was impressive, with a spacious interior to accommodate various cars. There was even a second floor where more expensive cars were displayed. My eyes lit up at the sight. I had learned how to drive when I was 16, thanks to my father's guidance, but now I wasn't sure if I could still handle it.

"Good morning," Mew greeted the other staff as we entered, and they glanced at me. Most of them were guys, and the only girl there had been glaring at me earlier.

"Is she your girlfriend?" the girl asked Mew, eyeing me curiously.

Mew looked at me and burst out laughing. "Do you really think I'd date someone underage?" he teased.

"I'm not underage. I'm 20!" I protested.

"You'll always be our baby, Freen, no matter how old you are," Mew teased, pinching my cheeks.

"Oh, so you're Freen?" the girl asked, extending her hand. Her demeanor had completely shifted from earlier. "Nice to meet you. I'm Song. You know, like the song?" She chuckled.

"I get it," I replied with a smile, shaking her hand.

Since there were no customers at the moment, Song took it upon herself to show me around and explain different cars while Mew attended to his tasks. We observed him from a distance and noticed how engrossed he was in his work.

"How is Mew as a brother?" Song asked me during our conversation.

"Just like you saw earlier. He's very protective of me. He's a great brother, though sometimes I can't understand where he's coming from," I chuckled.

"You must be really lucky," Song remarked with a smile.

"Why? Do you have a brother?" I inquired.

"Yeah, a younger stepbrother from my mother's side," Song replied, showing me a picture of him. He didn't look familiar, so I didn't dwell on it.

Song and I continued chatting about cars until lunchtime arrived. Mew offered to drive me to the university, but I declined, saying I could walk. However, before I could leave, I spotted a familiar face. What was she doing here?

"I told you, Richie, I don't need a car! I don't even know how to drive!" she exclaimed, clearly frustrated with the guy next to her, who seemed to be ignoring her. Was he her new boyfriend? Wait... Richie? Richard? Was he her brother?

"Shut up. How did you even get a license if you don't know how to drive?" he scolded her.

"What are you looking for, sir?" Mew asked Richie, catching my attention. I was taken aback when Becky noticed me. Her face lit up with a smile.

"I found what I want to ride," she whispered to herself.

Richie turned to her. "Where?"

"There," she said, pointing in my direction. WHAT THE HELL? WAS SHE OUT OF HER MIND?

My face turned red as Becky walked toward me. However, she walked past me and headed for the pink Porsche behind me.

"Why are you so stunned?" Becky asked from behind me.

I could feel everyone's eyes on me now, waiting for a response. I took a deep breath and turned to face her.

"I didn't expect to see you here," I replied, trying to maintain my composure.

Becky nodded with a mischievous smile and stepped closer, whispering in my ear, "I know what you're thinking, Miss President. But let's not discuss it here." Her seductive tone sent shivers down my spine.

SHE WAS TOTALLY OUT OF HER MIND! I needed to get out of her.

"I have to go, brother. I have classes," I excused myself, but Becky stopped me by grabbing my arm.

"Classes have been suspended due to a bomb threat. We have three days off. But you still need to tutor me. So...?" Becky looked at her brother expectantly.

"I'll wire you the money. Buy yourself a car, Becky. From now on, I won't be driving you to school. I'm not a chauffeur," Richie announced before leaving the shop.

All eyes were on Becky now. Her phone rang suddenly, and her face lit up once more. Perhaps, her brother had wired her the money she needed.

"I don't know how to drive a car. Can you?" she asked me. "We're going to my house for the tutoring session."

Mew furrowed his brows, looking at me with confusion. I wanted to tell him that she was the girl I had mentioned earlier, but if Becky overheard, she would think I was infatuated with her and had told my brother about her.

"If you're buying this car, I can drive it for you, ma'am," Mew offered, but I shook my head, trying to dissuade him.

"I'll take this one," Becky said, following Song to make the purchase. It only took them a few minutes, and soon the car was hers.

Her paperwork seemed to be in order, so I doubted she really didn't know how to drive. Also, her brother had mentioned she had a license.

"Mew," I called my brother over, pulling him aside while Becky was inspecting her new car. "Isn't it illegal to sell a car to someone who can't drive?"

"You're too innocent, Freen," Mew sighed. "That girl knows how to drive. According to Song, this is her fourth car. She keeps wrecking them, so her brother has to drive her to school."

Billy had been right. Becky desperately needed attention, and she would go to great lengths to get it. I couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

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