Chapter 11

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The next morning, I visited Becky's house. Finding her absent in her room, her maid informed me she was outside playing. Sneaking up on her, I caught sight of her practicing soccer in the yard, a testament to her dedication.

Reflecting, I realized Becky's proficiency in various activities might stem from her prolonged solitude. As she glanced repeatedly at her watch, it became evident she awaited my arrival.

"Hey there," I greeted, slipping my hands into my pockets. "Feeling bored?"

Shielding her eyes from the glaring sun, Becky squinted in my direction, then brightened upon seeing me. "You're here!" she exclaimed, beckoning me to join her. "How long have you been watching?"

"Just a minute. Are you sure you want to be out here? The sun's scorching. Wouldn't you rather be indoors?" I suggested.

"I've been waiting for you, actually. Come on," she urged, taking my hand and leading me inside. Guiding me to her room, she swung open her walk-in closet, revealing an array of designer clothes and lavish jewelry, a testament to her affluent upbringing.

"Could you help me pick something out for a shower?" Becky casually asked, catching me off guard. Me? Why me?

"Why not call one of your maids?" I responded, already making a move to leave, but she seized my arms, chuckling.

"Just kidding," she giggled, selecting a dress before disappearing into her bathroom.

Sighing, I perched on the edge of her bed, taken aback by her casual banter. After all, we were both girls. I shouldn't be so affected by her words. Perhaps, I needed to adjust to her mannerisms.

"Hey, still there?" Becky's voice floated from the bathroom. "Don't you dare leave me!"

"I'm here!" I retorted, rolling my eyes.

"Sing for me," she requested.

"Why should I?" I furrowed my brows. Who was she to command me?

"Please! I know you're a talented singer, Miss President," she teased. "If you don't, I'll report you to the president."

"Fine!" I relented, clearing my throat. What song should I sing? I wasn't prepared for this. "Anything?"

"Go ahead," Becky replied.

"This is wrong, but I can't help but feel like there ain't nothing more right, baby," I began, my nerves tingling. It wasn't a song about her or anyone else, yet her presence lingered in my mind.

"Misty morning comes again, and I can't help but wish I could see your face," I continued, my confidence wavering. Was I off-key? I couldn't care less.

"And I knew from the first note played, I'd be breaking all my rules to see you," I leaned against the bathroom door.

"And you smile, that beautiful smile, and all the girls in the front row scream your name," I reminisced, recalling her smile. Damn, she shouldn't be the subject of this song.

"So, damn—" The door swung open, and I stumbled, but Becky caught me in her arms. My eyes widened as I beheld her wet appearance, clad only in a robe. Hastily, I shielded my eyes and pivoted away.

"I forgot something. Stay there," she chuckled, darting back into her closet. With my eyes still averted, I strained to discern her movements. Suddenly, a pair of arms enveloped me, causing me to flinch.

"I should be the one singing that song to you someday, my superstar," Becky whispered before retreating to the bathroom.

My heart raced. What was that? Why was I so affected by her touch? Damn, damn, damn!


Becky and I headed to the mall later, where she needed to make some purchases. Before we could enter a store, however, a girl approached Becky and hugged her. Though they seemed close, Becky remained distant. Who was she, and why was she acting so familiar with Becky?

"Who's this?" the girl asked, gesturing toward me. "Your new maid?" she joked, raising my eyebrow.

"She's my friend," Becky replied, reaching for my hand and squeezing it. "We're shopping. Excuse us," she added with a polite smile, leading me away.

"Who was that?" I inquired, my curiosity piqued.

"Jane. A friend from the past," Becky deflected, browsing through dresses.

"Why the distance, then?" I persisted, unable to shake my curiosity. "She seemed friendly and able to afford...never mind."

"We used to date, sort of. Puppy love," Becky revealed with a bitter smile. "We were young. I took it seriously, but she realized she wasn't into girls. She prefers men," she explained, her gaze fixed on the items before us.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to pry," I apologized.

"That was then. We're over it. I've moved on," Becky asserted, paying for her purchases and gathering them. I tried to help her carry them to alleviate her burden, but she refused.

As we reached the parking lot, Jane's presence startled us. Her car was parked next to Becky's. A tense silence ensued. Jane eyed us both, and when Becky dropped her bags and leaned on me, I realized she was feeling faint. I hadn't noticed her discomfort earlier.

"What's going on?" Jane inquired, attempting to grab Becky from me, but I gently pushed her aside.

"I can drive her home. You should go," I suggested, assisting Becky into the car. She seemed dizzy. Despite my concerns, she insisted we go home instead of seeking medical attention.

"Don't call for help. Let's just go home. I'm just tired," Becky murmured.

"But you need to see a doctor," I insisted, unwilling to leave her alone.

"I don't want to go to the hospital. Please, just take me home," she pleaded.

"Becky doesn't like hospitals. Back when we—" Jane began, but I interrupted her, grabbing the bags and stowing them in the car.

Their past didn't matter to me at that moment. All I cared about was getting Becky home safely.

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