Chapter 48

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The days glided by without me realizing that today was the masquerade ball. Since I hadn't bought a dress for the event, as I wasn't particularly keen on going, it felt a bit harsh to leave Freen alone. I knew she'd still get asked to dance even without me there.

Luckily, Irin took charge and bought me a gown and mask, knowing my hectic schedule as both an athlete and a student striving to excel in both realms. As team captain, I always had to keep an eye out for my teammates, whereas Irin had a bit more free time. I'd have to thank her later for her thoughtfulness.

"Really?" Richie raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms. "You dragged me here just to chauffeur you to school? Do you have any idea how far my condo is?"

"Why? You don't have classes today. Plus, wouldn't you want to be part of the festivities? I mean, look. I'm stunning, right?" I twirled around, showcasing my gown.

It was a sleek black gown adorned with intricate beading, accentuating my curves. I was quite pleased with it.

"And you're just going to make me your driver?" Richie leaned back, shaking his head as he settled onto the couch. "What time do I have to pick you up, then?"

"Don't worry about picking me up. I'll find a ride home." I flashed him a smile.

"Why can't your 'ride home' also bring you to the venue?" He rolled his eyes. "You're wasting my time."

"I'll plead the fifth. Busy, you know?" I grinned, admiring my reflection in the mirror. I looked fabulous. Surely, heads would turn. "Shall we?"

Richie rose from the couch, gesturing for me to lead the way, so I did.

The party was in full swing by the time we arrived. Richie took off as soon as he dropped me off, leaving me to fend for myself. Freen was nowhere in sight; perhaps she was caught up with event logistics. I spotted Irin and my teammates having a blast in one corner, but I opted to stay on the sidelines. Their dancing was a bit too wild for my taste, and I wasn't exactly skilled in that department.

"Are you flying solo?" a voice interrupted, settling into the chair beside me. "No date? Because I'm dateless too."

"I couldn't care less," I replied, checking my phone for the time. I was running late, and Freen was even later. Should I shoot her a message to let her know I was already here? She hadn't reached out to me, and I wasn't eager to make the first move.

"I'm France, a senior. And you?" he asked, seemingly oblivious to the fact that I was a freshman.

"I'm a freshman, patiently waiting for my date." I shot him a glare, even though he couldn't see it behind my mask.

France chuckled, nodding. "Fair enough. I'll just keep you company until your date arrives."

I rolled my eyes and settled back in, waiting once more for Freen. If she hadn't invited me, I wouldn't be in this predicament.

Yet, as the hours ticked by, and despite the invitations from Irin and the others, I declined. I continued to wait for Freen and her messages, but nothing came. I felt betrayed.

She was the one who had asked me to be her date, and now she wasn't showing up? How messed up was that? She was pushing me further toward resentment.

I was fed up with waiting for her. I wanted to leave, but a part of me held on to the hope that she was merely running late or caught up in something. But after hours of waiting, it became clear she wasn't coming.

"Becky?" Billy approached my table, removing his mask. "You're here? I've been searching for you all night. The event is winding down."

"Yeah, I'm fashionably late, but I've been here for ages." I sighed heavily. "Is Freen still tied up?"

"What do you mean 'tied up'? She never showed."

The words hit me like a ton of bricks. She never showed. She had made a fool out of me, leaving me waiting here like an idiot. I stood up, leaving Billy behind, feeling wounded.

I never wanted to be here in the first place. She had asked me to come, and now she wasn't even bothering to show up? She should have at least given me a call or something. Did she think that even with this, I would still forgive her? Enough was enough. I refused to be her plaything any longer. I was done being toyed with.

I returned home, tears streaming down my face as I drifted off to sleep. Maybe tomorrow, I'd feel better. How could she do this to me? How could she play with my emotions like this?


I dragged myself to school the next day, my eyes swollen from crying. I opted for sunglasses to hide my distress. Irin seemed concerned but knew better than to pry.

"Captain, I didn't see you at the event last night. Were you there?" a trainee inquired, but I remained silent.

Irin gently intervened, pulling the girl away and shaking her head, signaling for her to drop the subject. I watched them, letting out a weary sigh. Scanning the field, I spotted Freen conversing with Billy. It was evident he was reprimanding her, but she seemed indifferent, even rolling her eyes. When she attempted to storm off, Billy grabbed her arm, and she slapped him before storming away, fuming.

I rose from my seat, rushing to catch up with Freen. She was fast, but I was faster. When I finally caught up, she stopped abruptly, turning around.

"I told you to stop—" Her words trailed off as she laid eyes on me, her complexion paling. "Bec."

"What happened? I waited for you last night," I confronted her.

"You came?" she asked, sounding surprised.

I scoffed. "And you didn't," I retorted.

Freen nervously bit her lip, avoiding my gaze. "I'm sorry, I had an emergency."

"Then why didn't you let me know?" I demanded.

"It's personal," she replied, about to turn away when I grabbed her arm, causing the papers in her hand to scatter.

Freen hastily gathered them up, but one sheet slipped away, carried off by the wind. I chased after it, retrieving it from the ground. Glancing at it, I saw it was a letter addressed to the president, indicating her resignation from the council presidency.

"Give me that," she snapped, snatching it back from me.

"Why?" I pressed.

"Personal reasons," she muttered, turning away once more and hurrying off, but this time, I didn't follow.

I was done with her.

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