Chapter 19

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Mew didn't answer the phone, so I sent him a text informing him that I wouldn't be coming home. I knew he'd be furious again, but I couldn't leave this girl wandering down unfamiliar paths. I'd been here countless times; it was my hometown. But for her, it was unknown territory. She walked aimlessly, avoiding me, even though she had no idea where she was going.

"Can you please stop following me?" she snapped.

"Where are you headed?" I attempted to remain calm, my feet throbbing from the chase. I needed to reason with her, to convince her to return. This place was dangerous for her, and she knew no one here. Her family wouldn't even notice if she went missing.

"I told you to leave me alone, didn't I? I can take care of myself!" she yelled.

I'd had enough. This had gone too far.

I grabbed Becky's arm and hailed a cab, despite knowing it would trigger my trauma. I needed to get her somewhere safe. We couldn't return to the city now; it was too late, and the last bus had already left. I had to take her somewhere.

"Where to?" the cab driver asked, eyeing me warily.

"Drive," I instructed, typing my former address into his GPS. "I'm not kidnapping her. Take us here."

Becky folded her arms, gazing out the window. I was exhausted from dealing with her. If I didn't care, I could have let her wander, but my conscience wouldn't allow it. This was the coach's fault. Leaving his player stranded like this was unnecessary. What if something happened to Becky? He'd be held accountable. Screw this. Why did I even bother? I'd never felt this drained before. I was the baby! My brothers never let me suffer like this. I glared at Becky in the rearview mirror, but she remained focused on the passing scenery. This situation was spiraling out of control.

"Ma'am, we've arrived," the driver announced. I paid him and guided Becky out of the car.

Becky glared at me, but complied as I led her inside the house. I still took care of this place and visited when I could—it was the only reminder I had of my parents. Even though we were strapped for cash, I couldn't bring myself to sell it, and my brothers wouldn't allow it. They insisted that after I graduated, I could live here and start afresh.

"Why are we here?" Becky demanded as I pushed her inside and locked the door.

"Just rest," I replied, heading to the kitchen. I doubted there was any food, but I recalled leaving some snacks during my last visit, which wasn't too long ago.

Becky slumped onto the couch with a sigh. She still wasn't in the mood for a proper conversation. Was she angry because I rejected her? How could she be so upset? Couldn't she accept that not everything went her way?

"Why are you so stubborn, Becky?" I grumbled, tossing her a packet of biscuits I found.

Becky glanced at me before rolling her eyes, further fueling my frustration. This argument with a child was draining me. She was pushing my buttons lately.

"What do you want from me, huh?" I snapped. "Do you want me to reciprocate your feelings so you'll stop throwing tantrums? Is that what you want?"

Becky scoffed but ignored my questions.

"I'm not girlfriend material. I don't fall in love easily. I just care, and that's it. I don't do commitment. I'm trying to make you understand that nothing will change if you're part of my life!" I erupted. "This is just infatuation, Becky. It's not serious. You're just love-starved, thinking that if I love you back, your life will be perfect. But it won't. You're only making things harder for yourself and breaking your own heart."

"Did you bring me here so I wouldn't leave?" she questioned.

"I brought you here because I'm tired of chasing you! I don't like chasing people, Becky. If you leave now, I won't follow you again," I sighed, sinking into a chair opposite her. "I'm exhausted from dealing with your immaturity. You're a grown woman, but you act like a child."

"Do you want me to be honest?" Becky asked. "Do you want me to tell you why I'm so hurt by your rejection?"

I met her gaze. She wasn't crying; she just stared at me with a blank expression.

"I don't know. I don't know why I'm drawn to you. I don't know what's come over me. I just woke up one day missing you, wanting to be with you all the time. I don't understand why I feel this way. I don't know why I crave your attention!" Becky exclaimed. "Yes, I'm love-starved. But this time, no amount of love from anyone else can fill the void."

"What about the girl from last night?" I questioned. "I followed you. She seemed to care about you."

"I told you, no one else's love can heal me but yours," she replied, avoiding my gaze. "But fine. If you can't return my feelings, I'll try to move on. I'll try to ignore you and pretend I never met you."

"Please do," I said, standing up. "Because if I become involved with you, I'll only end up hurting you." I headed toward the bedroom, but Becky rose as well.

"What if I want to be hurt by you?" Becky asked. "What if I'm willing to endure pain just to experience fleeting happiness with you?"

"You're out of your mind," I muttered.

"You drove me to this madness," Becky whispered.

I turned to her and scoffed. "What if we remain friends and stop expecting more?"

Becky fell silent for a moment. "So, you really can't reciprocate my feelings?" She glanced at the floor. "Fine. Let's forget I ever confessed so things won't be awkward."

"Agreed?" I asked.

Becky nodded and returned to the couch. I didn't know what to do next.

Chasing Her || FreenBecky [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now