Chapter 45

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It had been years since I last played basketball, but I figured I could still hold my own on the court. Surrounded by teammates and opponents, all girls, the gym was packed with students, drawn by my presence. Apparently, I was more popular than I realized. While I used to find the noise distracting, now it didn't bother me. I supposed I'd grown accustomed to it.

"Good luck with the game," Irin wished me before taking a seat on the bench with our teammates.

After a quick stretch to loosen up, I stepped onto the court. The crowd erupted in cheers as I made my entrance. It was a familiar feeling now, being cheered on. But as I called for the ball, my teammates seemed hesitant to pass it to me. I felt like a fool, running around without touching the ball.

During a timeout, I voiced my frustration to the coach. "Aren't you going to let me handle the ball?" I demanded. "What's the point of me being here if I can't play?"

"The committee just wants you to attract students. You haven't trained, Becky. What if you don't make a shot? It'd be a waste. It's better if you stay on the court and run around like you were doing earlier," he explained, motioning for me to return.

I disagreed with his reasoning. I didn't want to waste my energy like that.

Shaking my head, I grabbed my towel and headed for the exit. I was meant to be a player, not a runner. If they wanted me there, they should let me play.

"Becky!" the coach's voice rang out, halting the game as I left the gym. There was no point in staying if I couldn't contribute.

Outside, I spotted Freen holding a water bottle. We paused, and I remembered telling her to forget about each other. I was about to walk past her when she reached out and handed me the water.

"For you, Ms. Armstrong. Good luck with your game," she said before slipping back into the gym.

Ms. Armstrong? Had she misunderstood what I said? Did she think I meant starting anew? I scratched my head, trying to decipher her actions. What was she thinking?

"Becky!" a bench player caught up to me outside, panting heavily. She rested for a moment before speaking. "The coach wants you back."

"I don't want her back," I retorted, misunderstanding her intention. "What did you say?"

"He wants you back on the court," she clarified, furrowing her brows. "You should go. The president is in there. You have a crush on her, right?" she teased, earning a grimace from me.

"I don't have a crush on her, and I'm not going back," I insisted.

"Please, Becky? The students will leave if you don't return," she pleaded, reaching for my hand, but I stepped away.

"I'll only go back if the president begs me," I declared.

"What?" she asked, bewildered. "Fine, I'll just play," she conceded before heading back into the gym.

Clearly, they couldn't communicate with Freen properly. They were afraid of her, while I could make her cry with just a word. Quite the flex.

"Armstrong!" Billy's voice interrupted my thoughts from behind. He looked perplexed, hands on his hips. "Where do you think you're going?"

"Home," I replied bluntly.

"She's inside," Billy pointed towards the gym. "Your home is inside, already watching."

I raised my middle finger in response. Who was he talking about? Freen? Not anymore. I was about to pinch him playfully when Freen emerged from the gym. She looked radiant, as if I hadn't rejected her just yesterday. It was as if she'd already moved on.

"Tired? Need some rest?" she asked, concern evident in her voice.

"Are you fucking serious?" I scoffed, annoyed by her nonchalant attitude. She had completely misunderstood what I meant.

"Watch your language, Becky. Remember, you're speaking to the council president," Billy chided.

"It's fine, Billy. Becky's just tired. Tell the committee she needed a break. I'll take her to the infirmary," Freen intervened, patting Billy's shoulder, who nodded in acquiescence then left. She then turned to me, assessing my condition. "No signs of injury. Why did you leave? Were you waiting for me?"

I sighed in exasperation. "You're so full of yourself," I remarked, rolling my eyes. "Unfortunately, I'm not here waiting for you."

"Then why did you leave?" she inquired.

"I didn't like the way they were playing," I replied, arms crossed.

Suddenly, Freen scooped me up bridal-style. I dropped my towel and water bottle in protest, but she didn't let me go.

"What are you doing?" I demanded, patting her back to release me.

"People might think you're throwing a tantrum. Let's pretend you're injured," she suggested, winking mischievously as she carried me into the infirmary.

I couldn't fathom what was going through her mind, but I didn't appreciate it. She deposited me onto a bed, locked the door, and there was no nurse in sight.

"What do you think you're doing, Freen?" I glared at her. This wasn't amusing at all. What did she want from me? I was trying to keep my distance from her.

"So, you still remember me?" she remarked, smiling as she sat beside me on the bed, her eyes shining brightly.

"You completely misunderstood me," I scolded, flicking her forehead. "Stay away from me, Freen. That's what I meant."

"I said the same thing to you once, didn't I? But did you listen?" she countered, raising an eyebrow. "You kept pestering me, making me fall for you."

"What are you trying to say?" I asked, furrowing my brows. This girl wouldn't give up until she got what she wanted. Damn, it was frustrating dealing with someone just as stubborn as I was.

"Exactly what I said," she shrugged, smirking. "I'll make you fall for me again, Becky. Whether you like it or not. I'm here to stay."

Damn her!

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