Chapter 25

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Becky's injuries were more severe than mine, which is why I recovered quickly. The school had to assign a new captain for the upcoming sports fest because Becky couldn't practice or play for a month. Naturally, Becky threw a tantrum at first, but she eventually came to terms with it, realizing that taking a month off was better than risking a lifetime of not being able to play.

"Are you sure about this, Freen? Living with Becky for a while?" Bright asked, helping me pack my clothes. "I mean, I'm not saying you can't stay with her, but what about me? I'll miss you."

I chuckled at Bright's concern. If only Becky had someone else to take care of her after being discharged from the hospital, I wouldn't have had to involve myself. However, her family only visited her once and then left after confirming she was okay. At least they checked in on her.

"It's just for a few days. You'll still see me at school," I reassured him as I zipped up my luggage.

Bright looked away, nodding slowly. He didn't have much say in the matter. Firstly, Mew asked me to do this. I really wanted to stay and take care of Becky, but I hesitated because I thought Mew would disagree. Secondly, Mile agreed to the plan after learning Becky's family had left. However, Bright was against it because he'd miss me.

"I'll drive you there," he offered.

"You can come with us. Mew will take us there," I suggested, patting his shoulder before heading out of the house with my luggage.

Mew's car was waiting outside. Becky was already in the backseat, so I stowed my luggage and joined her, while Bright sat in the front passenger seat.

"Are you sure about this? I can take care of myself," Becky worriedly asked me.

"You can, but let me," I replied, reaching for her hand and intertwining it with mine.

Mew glanced at our hands but said nothing. He knew how I felt, so there was no need to hide it from him. However, Becky seemed confused by my actions, still thinking it was all out of pity, that I was only taking care of her because of what happened.

After we arrived, Mew helped me with my things, and I assisted Becky upstairs. She could walk, but she needed support. Her knees were still weak, and some bones in her left hand were fractured.

"You can stay in the guest room if you're not comfortable here, Freen," Becky reminded me as I helped her lie down on her bed.

Mew knocked on the door, indicating they were leaving. I thanked them, and Bright, still looking sad, I kissed his forehead and assured him I'd return soon.

I looked at Becky after they left and smiled at her.

"I'll stay by your side," I promised, opening my luggage to organize it in her walk-in closet.

As I sorted my things, I felt Becky's gaze on me. Perhaps she was still wondering why I chose to be with her.

"Aren't you tired of me? You said I shouldn't expect more from you, yet here you are, crossing the line," Becky started the conversation. "I don't understand what you're trying to imply, Freen."

"I was with you during the accident, Becky. I'll stay with you until you recover. Got it?" I asked, smiling at her.

I quickly took a shower to freshen up before lying down to rest. When I came out, Becky was reading a book I didn't recognize. I dried my hair before lying down beside her and peeking at the book she was reading.

Suddenly, her phone rang, so I turned around to give her some privacy.

"Yes, I'm fine," Becky assured the caller. "You can visit me anytime, William. I won't mind." She chuckled. I felt a pang of jealousy at the name. Was William her cousin too? I shouldn't be jealous. "Okay, I'll see you soon then," she said before hanging up.

Jealousy coursed through me. I wanted to ask, but I didn't feel it was my place. The way she spoke to him, it seemed they were close, perhaps even more than that.

Suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped around me. Becky buried her face in my neck, tickling me.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Smelling you. You smell amazing," she replied.

"You're kind of creepy," I teased.

Becky continued hugging me, so I held the hand around me and gently caressed it. "Aren't you going to ask about William? Don't you care?"

If only she knew how much I wanted to grab the phone and throw it away so nobody could call her, and she'd focus on me.

I sighed. "That's your privacy, Becky. I won't pry into your personal life," I said, turning to face her. The wounds on her face were still visible but healing. I could see sadness in her eyes now.

Becky looked away and slid off the bed, though she could've stayed. I didn't want her moving on her own, fearing she might hurt herself.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"I need some privacy," she said, leaving the room. She was clearly upset, perhaps wanting me to be jealous, though I didn't show it.

I gave her some space for a few minutes before following her downstairs. She was sitting at the piano, playing a tune I hadn't heard before.

"As I wander in a crowd full of people, I keep finding you right next to me," she sang softly, her voice carrying a hint of sadness. Was she singing about me?

"You learned to love everything that I do," she continued, smiling faintly. "Showed me sides of you no one else sees." Confirmed, she was talking about me. She was the first student I showed my caring side to; I was always strict with everyone else.

"You know me too well, but can never tell when I'm missing you," she sighed, continuing her song.

I returned to the room, pondering what she was trying to convey. Was she saying she was in love with me? I went back out and heard her still singing.

"You got tired of my expectations, but you always keep crossing the line," she sang. I guessed I'd missed the start of the second verse.

"You'd do anything for me, anything, except calling me 'mine'," Becky sang, and I didn't know if she knew I was there.

"As I pull away, you pull me closer, just never close enough to hold me," she continued, our eyes meeting suddenly. "Like you would hold all your secrets, like all the tears I've held back." Her eyes welled up.

"I still want you back, but the stars won't align just because we wish for it," she sighed, ending her song.

"Nice song," I said, approaching her.

"You heard it all?" she asked.

"Yeah. Shouldn't I have?" I replied, rubbing the back of my neck.

"It's fine. You probably don't understand it. You're too numb," she said, giving a small smile before walking away.

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