Chapter 3

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After class, I headed to the field not because of Rebecca, but because of my brother. I needed to go home with him since Mew couldn't fetch me. I didn't want to take a bus alone because that would be my last resort. I was hesitant to ride with someone else due to past trauma, rooted in the recklessness of a taxi driver that resulted in the tragic loss of my parents. Walking with Bright felt safer.

"What time will you be done?" I asked.

Bright, the captain of the boys' football team, and I weren't particularly close with the girls' team, mainly because most of them were freshmen while the boys were mostly seniors.

"After this game. Why?" he queried, grabbing the water bottle from my hand. "We'll walk together?"

I noticed the envious glances from the girls nearby. Well, I couldn't blame them; Bright was undeniably attractive, and many girls would likely fall for him. However, this cheeky guy had no interest in dating. He once joked to Mile that he'd rather become a priest than deal with girls.

"Yes. Mew can't fetch me," I replied, settling onto the bleacher. "Make sure the game ends in 10 minutes. I still have plenty to do."

"Such a bossy one," he teased, pinching my cheeks, earning a glare from me. "Okay, 15 minutes." He winked and dashed onto the field.

While waiting for him, I took out my phone and glanced at the documents Nam had sent. Likely another project proposal from an organization. I needed to review it before giving confirmation. I turned off my phone and was startled when someone sat beside me. She was sweating but had a sweet scent. How did she manage that? She should smell like the sun or something. Why was her scent so captivating?

"You're watching Bright, but not me?" Rebecca raised her brows without looking at me, her attention fixed on Bright playing with his team.

"And who are you?" I asked, scoffing. "You should go back to your team."

"The coach dismissed them," she explained, stretching her arms and sighing, still watching the boys. "Funny how this university offers so many sports, yet the players lack skill," she chuckled.

"And motivation," I added, rolling my eyes.

"I could say Bright is good, but he lacks strategy. He's always open. If his opponents are fast enough, they could steal the ball," she commented.

"No one asked for your opinion, Rebecca," I retorted.

"Just Becky. Don't be too harsh on yourself," she laughed, finally turning to look at me. "Or you can call me Bb. I'd like that."

"Short for Becbec?" I raised a brow. Our conversation was going nowhere. I shouldn't engage with this person too much.

"Yep. But if you want to interpret it differently, that's fine by me," she smiled, gazing at me as if she were transfixed. Why did she always look at me like that? As if she wanted to take me home or keep me in her pocket. It was awkward.

Glancing at Bright, I noticed him furrowing his brows while looking in our direction. Their game had ended, but he couldn't approach me because of Becky.

"That guy is famous in our department. Is he your boyfriend?" Becky asked. "He looks like someone I know."

"Who?" I furrowed my brows. Did I have another brother I didn't know about?

"Someone who will break your heart in the future," she giggled. "Anyway, it looks like he's coming this way. I better go." Becky waved at Bright, but he ignored her. Did they know each other?

When Bright reached us, he grabbed the bottle beside me and finished it before grabbing his bag and my hand, pulling me away from the crowd.

"What was that?" I asked. "Didn't I tell you not to hold my hand on school premises? No one believes we're siblings. Your fangirls will kill me, Bright!" I scolded, but he seemed oblivious, still pulling me along at a brisk pace.

"Stay away from that girl, understand?" He was furious. What did Becky do to make him act like this? Despite Bright's playful nature, he was intimidating when angry. "That girl doesn't know her place. Everyone here knows what she did last semester."

"Am I the only one in the dark?" I withdrew my arms and crossed them. Thankfully, there were no students around, or they'd think we were having a lovers' spat. "Care to fill me in?"

Bright sighed, closing his eyes. "That girl is the captain this semester. Last semester, when she was a player, she flirted with anyone during competitions. She was good at sugarcoating her words, liked to mess around, and was uncontrollable, Freen."

"Wait, what do you mean she flirted with anyone?" I asked.

"She's a total player who loves to mess around. She even turned the homophobic into a gay one. So, what more to someone who has endless crushes?" Bright mocked. I recalled telling him about my admiration for Megan Fox, Amanda Seyfried, and Chloe Moretz.

"Fine," I conceded, raising both hands. "You don't have to worry about me. I won't fall for that Armstrong, okay? Let's go home so you can shower; you smell like grass!"

"Really?" Bright chuckled, chasing me to hug me and making me smell him. I was joking, though. He smelled good too, but Becky's scent was more alluring. I didn't know how she did it, but one thing was certain: I wouldn't fall for someone like her.

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