Chapter 47

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The morning after, the USC announced an upcoming masquerade ball for next week, leaving bracelets in a box for those seeking dates. However, the bracelet Freen gave me was different—it wouldn't come off without unlocking it. I suspected that was why she hurried away after putting it on me. Damn her.

"Got a date lined up already?" Irin quipped, noticing my wrist. "That's from the student council, right?"

"How'd you know?" I asked.

"One of our teammates got one too. Said it was from the council. But yours is unique. It's got a lock?" Irin examined the bracelet.

I sighed, snatching it back. Spotting Freen across the room, smiling and chatting with others, struck me as odd. She used to keep her distance. I folded my arms, waiting for her to notice me, but she was swarmed by students asking her to the ball, to which she politely declined.

I stepped closer, leaving Irin and heard people asking her.

"Who's the lucky guy?" a guy, probably a freshman, asked.

"Not a guy," I corrected, my eyes fixed on Freen. "You done here?" I directed at her.

Freen shook her head, holding up the box of bracelets. "Still at it," she replied awkwardly, her demeanor unfamiliar.

I only nodded.

The guy glanced at me. "What're you even doing here?" he questioned.

"I'm pursuing her, Brix," Freen answered for me. "You can leave; I'll handle this and catch your practice later."

I nodded, meeting Brix's gaze. He probably thought Freen would turn me down, huh? Not a chance.

Heading to the locker room to change into my jersey, I noticed a girl asking someone to the ball. It stung a bit. Seeing her scatter flower petals hastily made me smile, though. What would it be like to have someone surprise you like that?

I shook off the thought. I couldn't expect that from Freen. She was too busy with her duties as president. It wasn't her fault.

"Becky, aren't you heading to the field? Freen's waiting," a teammate reminded me.

"Already? I thought she had stuff to do," I said, puzzled.

"Saw her on the bench. Probably waiting for you," my teammate shrugged, stowing her gear in her locker. "Ready?"

I shook my head, still in my uniform. Grabbing my jersey, I changed in the restroom then exiting the locker room, I noticed a drone following me, likely with a camera.

"Leave me alone, I've got a date," I muttered to the camera. Maybe someone was trying to get my attention, planning a surprise. I didn't want to accept anyone else's offer without telling Freen, even though I wasn't exactly keen on going with her.

The drone persisted until I reached the field. Freen stood there with a controller, beaming and motioning for me to come over.

"Why're you playing outside? Shouldn't you be in class?" I asked.

"Look," she said, showing me footage from the drone. "Isn't it beautiful?"

I scowled at my own face on the screen, rolling my eyes at her laughter. Then a girl approached, taking the controller from Freen. Freen knelt down, drawing everyone's attention.

"Get up, you look like you're proposing!" I tried to pull her up, but she remained kneeling, producing a box from her pocket with a smile.

"I am," she chuckled, opening it. "I've been holding back because I was afraid you'd say no. But now, it's up to you."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Will you be my date, Becky?" she asked, revealing the key to my bracelet. "Take it to mean 'no,' or say 'yes.'"

I reached for the key, but the drone thwarted me, blocking my hand. I glared at Freen, who laughed. So that was the drone's purpose—to stop me? Did I even have a choice?

"Seriously?" I crossed my arms.

"If you decline, I'll ask her!" the guy from earlier shouted.

"You've been rejected! Pipe down!" I shot back, and the others chuckled. Was I too harsh?

"Well?" Freen's smile persisted.

I nodded.


"Want me to shout 'no'?" I deadpanned.

Freen stood, pulling me into a hug. It felt awkward with everyone watching. I gently pulled away and joined my teammates. They handed me roses one by one. Glancing at Freen, leaving the field, I wondered what she had to do.

"Why all the roses?" I asked, counting over ten.

"While Freen was asking you, the students here asked us to give these to her. Since you said yes, they figured they didn't have a chance. So, we're giving them to you instead," Irin explained, chuckling. "Congratulations! You two are the campus sweetheart, you know?"

"I'm just going along with it. I don't have much choice," I sighed.

Irin smirked. "Your actions say otherwise."

"I swear!"

But Irin just laughed, grabbing the ball and passing it to me from the corner.

Once more, I glanced in Freen's direction. I didn't want to fall for her again, but deep down, I knew I hadn't stopped loving her.

Chasing Her || FreenBecky [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now