Chapter 16

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The next morning, I headed to my office to review my agenda for the day, only to find Nam already setting up the camera and lighting. It dawned on me that we were scheduled to do a podcast, a project proposed by our council to gauge the well-being of students through live streams.

"How's everything coming along?" I inquired, setting down my bag and scanning the room for my script, a necessary crutch since I wasn't adept at engaging conversations.

"We're set to start at 8 am, Pres. Most classes kick off at 9, so we need to wrap up before then," Nam briefed, to which I nodded. "Oh, and after your class today, Billy mentioned something about meeting up. He said he'd fill you in."

"Did he give any details?" I probed, wary of Billy's penchant for mischief that often dragged us along.

"Nothing specific, Pres," Nam replied, shaking her head as she activated the council's laptop camera. She counted down from three before slipping back into view beside me for the live stream.

I could see myself on screen now, but the comments were out of sight. Nam handed me a phone for monitoring, though my tech skills were lacking.

"We've got nearly 500 viewers, Pres. You can start engaging with them now. Pick a topic and ask for their thoughts," Nam prompted, gesturing for me to initiate the conversation. However, my attention was momentarily diverted by a comment from Becky. What was she doing here instead of resting? She shouldn't be on her phone.

I wanted to step out and urge her to rest, but duty called, and leaving Nam alone to manage wasn't an option.

"Hello, everyone. How's everyone feeling today?" I awkwardly began, feeling out of my element as a first-time podcaster, my motivation fueled by Nam's enthusiasm for social media.

The comments poured in, some remarking on my uncharacteristic kindness and concern, eliciting a fleeting smile. Others noted a newfound caring side they hadn't seen before. Personally, I remained indifferent to their opinions.

Then came a barrage of compliments, catching me off guard. I was accustomed to being photogenic, but this level of praise was unfamiliar. Glancing at Nam, I refocused on the comments and engaged with the audience.

"Let's address some of these comments," Nam suggested, and I obliged, selecting the first one that caught my eye.

" 'Wow, you look like my wife,' says Becky..." I trailed off, realizing the source, rolling my eyes before addressing the camera. "You're not married yet. How do I resemble your wife?" I quipped before returning to the comments.

The chatter escalated upon discovering Becky and Bright's presence, the latter busy sending heart emojis, garnering attention from students.

"Exactly," Becky chimed in, provoking another eye roll from me. She had a knack for embarrassing me, even after what I'd put her through lately. And now she was back at it.

The focus shifted from me to Becky, the celebrity factor attracting more viewers, as anticipated.

"Becky, are you single? Can I flirt with you?" Nam read aloud, prompting me to furrow my brows in disapproval.

"No," I interjected firmly. "She's still a kid," I remarked, widening my gaze at the camera, only to catch Nam stifling laughter behind me.

"You're acting like Becky's mom," she teased between giggles.

"Let's wrap this up," I whispered to Nam discreetly, not wanting the viewers to overhear. "Before I have to deal with that commenter."

Nam nodded, bidding farewell to the viewers and apologizing for the interruption. However, before she could end the stream, Billy barged in, planting a kiss on my forehead.

Nam and I exchanged incredulous looks as he did so. Hastily, Nam terminated the live feed, eyeing us both.

"What's up?" Billy inquired innocently. "Did I miss something? I was just messing around, pretending to plant lipstick on your forehead as a prank."

Rubbing my forehead, I confirmed his mischievous deed. Now, the rumor mill would have a field day speculating about our relationship due to that live kiss.

"By the way, did Nam mention we're hitting the bar later? I'm in the mood to celebrate," Billy announced with a grin, reminding me that it was his birthday. How could I have forgotten?

"Sure," I agreed hastily, hoping to divert attention from my forgetfulness.

Billy winked at me, whispering, "Maybe we'll find someone to soften that tough exterior of yours."

"Looking for love at a bar?" My shoulders slumped. "You've got no taste in men, Billy," I retorted, rolling my eyes as I retreated to my desk, where Nam had finished packing up the podcast equipment.

"Coming from someone who's not into men?" Billy raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms. "I get it, not all men are perfect, but why not give someone a chance? What if the right guy comes along? Don't you think? They're not all the same."

"Quit badgering me. If you're into guys, that's your business. But I have priorities, and finding a man isn't one of them," I waved him off, unwilling to entertain the topic of bar-hopping for romantic prospects.

"What's your criteria, then? So I can set you up," he persisted, wiggling his eyebrows. "Tall, dark, and handsome?"

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not on the lookout. But to get you off my back, I suppose someone who appreciates me, athletic, good-looking, and let's not kid ourselves, financially stable. Academically inclined and all that jazz," I rattled off, confident he wouldn't find a match meeting those standards.

"Sounds like you're describing Becky, doesn't it?" Billy observed with a smirk.

"What?" I exclaimed, caught off guard by his observation.

Writing while reviewing for our quiz. Is this called 'Multitasking'? Anyways, happy reading 😊

 Is this called 'Multitasking'? Anyways, happy reading 😊

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