Chapter 24

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Over the next few days, Becky kept annoying me during our training. She constantly sat beside me and made me the subject of her poems. The professor started to wonder why our poems were almost the same, but we assured her that we hadn't looked at each other's work.

Every night, Becky would call me just to wish me a good sleep, and then she'd hang up. She enjoyed pestering me even in class, so I got used to her presence every day, but I still didn't want her to know how I felt.

I was still worried. I was still afraid.

"Good luck on your competition today, Freen," Mew said as he combed my hair while we looked at the mirror. Today was the day of the poem competition, and Mew was feeling nostalgic. I didn't know what had gotten into him; he was unusually emotional today.

"I'm not getting married, why are you crying?" I asked him.

"I can't believe that you're a grown woman now. The first time we were together, you were so timid and shy. You didn't want to talk to me even when you were feeling sick. But now, look at you," Mew smiled at me. "You're a woman."

"Are you really emotional because I grew up, or because you realized I started to like someone already?" I rolled my eyes.

Mew chuckled and patted my shoulder. "Both. And with a woman too. You know what, I think Bright is also the same. I think he also likes men, that's why he can't pick from his fangirls. He likes hanging out with his teammates." We both laughed at his conclusion.

Bright was too masculine to be gay, but nevertheless, it wasn't impossible. Perhaps, Bright was still looking for that person whom he could actually fall in love with.

We heard an automobile horn outside, indicating that Becky was here. She had told me last night that she wanted to pick me up so we could go to CIU together since we didn't have service.

Mew followed me outside to give me a good luck hug, and he looked at Becky with a stern expression. Ever since he found out that I liked Becky, he started to look at her that way. Perhaps, he was still testing her too, or he was contemplating what I liked about her.

"Is your brother okay? Every time I'm here, he's glaring at me," Becky said as she opened her car door for me.

"He's fine, don't mind him," I chuckled and waved once again to Mew before entering the car.

Becky started the engine and drove off. I forgot to ask if she wanted me to drive instead since I didn't want to become a passenger princess all the time.

Our ride was silent. Becky didn't speak again after that, and I didn't want to start a conversation either. I didn't know what I did for her to be cold like this, but perhaps she was just thinking about something.

"What are you thinking?" I gave up. I couldn't succumb to the silence.

"I'm thinking about your brother. What if he doesn't like me?" She looked at me, and my eyes widened.

Suddenly, a thundering roar disrupted our journey-a truck careening towards us, its presence overwhelming. Panic seized me as I realized the inevitable collision. The impact was jarring, metal screeching against metal, glass shattering into a thousand glittering shards. Darkness enveloped me as consciousness slipped away, leaving only chaos and confusion in its wake.

"Bec..." I tried to open my eyes, but all I could see was blood. I was too numb to feel my body. I reached for Becky, but she was unconscious. "Wake up, Bec." I tried to call her, but there was no response. When my vision cleared, I saw her on her seat, blood on her face. I reached for her pulse, and there was still a pulse. However, I couldn't stay awake any longer. I was just thankful that she was still okay before I succumbed to the darkness.


As I slowly regained consciousness, the sterile scent of the hospital filled my senses. Blinking against the harsh light, I struggled to focus my vision, and there they were-my three brothers, their faces etched with concern, hovering anxiously by my bedside. Relief flooded through me at the sight of familiar faces amidst the sterile environment. With a weak smile, I tried to reassure them, my voice barely a whisper after the ordeal. Their expressions softened, a mixture of relief and lingering worry evident in their eyes as they reached out to comfort me, their presence a reassuring anchor amidst the uncertainty of the hospital room.

Weakly, I managed to croak out, "Where's Becky? Is she okay?"

My brothers exchanged worried glances before one of them spoke up gently, "We haven't seen her yet, Freen. But the doctors are still assessing everyone involved in the accident."

Fear gripped my heart as I struggled to sit up, insisting, "I need to know if she's alright. She was with me in the car."

Another brother placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder, saying, "We'll find out for you, Freen. Just focus on resting for now. You've been through a lot."

But my mind couldn't rest until I knew Becky was safe. I tried to sit properly, and my brothers helped me. I looked around, and there were flowers for me. I glanced at the clock.

"I need to find Becky, I need to know if she's okay. Were there any others involved in the accident besides us?" My head ached as I tried to recall what happened. "Please, tell me."

"There were three vehicles involved in the accident, including the truck that lost its brakes. The driver died. Also, the family from the van." Mew explained. "There were 12 people involved, but only half survived, including Becky, of course. I don't know which room she's in, but she's okay."

"Irin's with her, Freen." Bright reached for my hand and gently squeezed it. "I asked Irin to come since no one from her family answered. Some said that her family was out of town."

"I know you know where Becky is, Bright. I need to see her, please help me." My worries started to pile up.

"You're not okay, Freen. Can you stay still for a moment?" Mile exclaimed. I was sure he was worried about me, but Mew nudged him and motioned for Bright to help me. He knew what I felt.

Bright helped me sit on a wheelchair and took me to a VIP ward where Becky was. When we opened the door, we saw Irin talking to someone.

"She's your sister, Richie. Can't you do something to get here fast? What if she woke up and you're still not here?" Irin sighed. "I'll hang up. Make sure that before evening, you're here."

Our eyes locked after she hung up. She motioned for us to enter. Bright and Irin went out to give me time with Becky. She was still unconscious. I reached for her hand and gently squeezed it as my tears escaped.

Thank you for surviving, Becky.

"Your hand is cold."

I looked up when I saw Becky awake. She smiled at me and intertwined our hands.

"Damn, I feel awful now. There's pain all over my body." Becky sighed and closed her eyes again.

"Don't make me worry, you dumbass." I wanted to punch her, but I couldn't. "Thank God, you're safe."

"I'm sorry, babe." Becky caressed my hand using her thumb and smiled at me again. "Once I'm okay, I'll take care of you. Extra careful. Don't be turned off, please."

"I am not. You better recover quickly. How can you pursue me if you're lying there?" I asked and chuckled.

"I will. So stay for a bit."

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