Chapter 43

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Bright emerged victorious in the match the following day. Although I wasn't privy to the specifics of his bet with Becky, she appeared surprisingly cheerful despite losing. I observed them from a distance, anticipating Becky's departure to kick off our camping trip.

I couldn't quite grasp why they'd tasked me with convincing Becky to join the basketball event, especially since it was happening far from school. It seemed counterintuitive if the goal was to rally student interest in basketball.

"Are you all set?" Becky's voice interrupted my thoughts. She seemed distant, but I nodded in response. Sensing her fatigue from days of training and academic pressures, I assumed the role of driver.

As Becky input the campsite address into the GPS and settled into her seat, her silence was palpable. It fell upon me to initiate conversation.

"Do you enjoy camping?" I ventured, hoping to break the ice. Yet, Becky remained unresponsive. Undeterred, I resolved to emulate her persistence, recalling how she once nudged me until I relented.

"Bec, are you a fan of air conditioning?" I inquired, flicking it on. To my surprise, she promptly switched it off.

"You're not a fan of the cold. No worries, I'm fine," she muttered, covering her face with a handkerchief.

"I've got a question," I persisted, eager to engage her.


"Ever heard of a pickup line?" I probed.

Becky shook her head. "I'm more about pinning down than picking up," she retorted, her tone icy.

"You're only 18!" I started to chide her before realizing the distance between us had grown.

With a sigh, I focused on driving. Upon reaching the campsite, it became apparent we were the sole occupants. Becky, still silent, began assembling the tent. Perplexed, I wondered if we were early or if this was part of Becky's plan.

"Quit standing there and lend a hand," Becky instructed, struggling with the tent frame. I hurried to assist her.

After completing the setup, the absence of fellow campers lingered in the air.

"Freen," Becky beckoned, motioning for me to join her on a folding chair. "Stop wondering if anyone else will show up. They won't. I tricked you," she confessed, rolling her eyes.

"Why bring me here then?" I questioned.

"I didn't. You drove," Becky shrugged, reclining to admire the sky.

As evening descended and stars began to twinkle, I settled beside Becky, gazing upward.

"I want to hurt you so badly," she confessed softly, still fixated on the heavens. "But I refuse to stoop to your level."

Her words pierced me deeper than any physical wound. "You can hurt me, Bec," I admitted, averting my gaze. "Just don't leave."

Becky chuckled mirthlessly. "Isn't that what you want? For me to leave because you don't love me enough?"

"I want you to reconcile with your parents, Bec. That's different. I love you, but I can't thrive in a relationship where I'm unwelcome," I reasoned.

"Things are complicated, Freen. How many times must I reassure you that I'll love you regardless of what they say?" Becky countered. "You're a coward, Freen. Admit it."

"So, you're really leaving?" I inquired, swallowing hard. "Abandoning everything?"

"Why stay?" Becky's demeanor shifted as she faced me squarely. "Listen to yourself. I don't want us to reconcile. I want to move forward. How can I do that if I remain?"

"I'll be better," I pleaded.

"You don't love me enough, Freen," she spat bitterly. "I've asked, I've pursued. Do you comprehend the exhaustion of chasing someone who's running from you?"

I remained speechless, anchored to the ground. What could I possibly say? Becky hadn't brought me here for a fresh start but to confront the painful truth: no matter my efforts, she wouldn't return to me.

"You think it's noble to let me go easily. But have you ever considered my feelings? Have you bothered to ask how I'd cope if we parted ways?" Becky's frustration was palpable. Who could blame her? I berated myself. "I've done everything for you, Freen, while you've done nothing."

"I'm sorry," I whispered. "Perhaps you deserve better."

"Fuck you!" Becky exploded. "You think I deserve better, yet you've made no effort. Why can't you step outside your pride for once and express your true feelings? Tell me, Freen! Be honest."

"I love you, alright?" I shouted, tears welling in my eyes. "Do you think it's easy for me to let go? It's agonizing to shoulder the blame alone, to push you away knowing deep down that you'll eventually choose something else over me."

Becky fell silent.

"But I'm willing to try, Bec. Give me a chance. Let me pursue you this time. Even if you don't reciprocate, as long as you're here, let me be close to you," I implored, tears streaming freely. "Please, let me love you better this time."

"I'm exhausted, Freen," Becky rose abruptly. "To be fair, let's just forget about each other. I'm done with this drama. I'm done with you."

"So, why did you bring me here?" I asked.

Becky turned to me and looked at my eyes. "I'll leave. For you to experience the feeling of being left alone."

I'm sorry for the updates. I just don't want you to wait further. Anyway, the next chapters would be Becky's POV. Lovelots! ❤️
- vivaciousgeek

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