Chapter 26

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I hesitated to leave for school, my heart heavy at the thought of leaving Becky behind. Since last night, we hadn't exchanged a word, her silence a weight I couldn't bear. Determined to break the ice, I decided to make breakfast for her.

"Ma'am, let me handle that," the old maid insisted, reaching for the ladle. I smiled and shook my head.

"I want to cook for Becky. Could you just wake her up?" I requested.

"She's already up, ma'am. She's getting ready for a shower, which is why I'm here to assist," the maid chuckled. "Or I can fetch someone to help her."

The suggestion of someone else helping Becky bathe seemed absurd to me.

"No, I'll take care of it," I insisted, taking back the ladle and hurrying to Becky's room. She was rifling through her wardrobe, clad in her robe, when I entered.

"What brings you here?" Becky asked, glancing at the clock. "You're going to be late. You should head to school."

"I'll help you with your shower," I offered, leaning against the doorframe. "Besides, I haven't put on my uniform yet, so I have time to assist."

Becky furrowed her brow at me. "I can ask the maid for help. Don't worry about it. Just go to school," she insisted.

"And have them see you exposed? No way, I'll handle it," I shook my head, arms crossed.

"They've seen me naked before, Freen. They've cared for me since I was a baby," Becky pointed out, moving closer and beginning to loosen her robe's tie. "Unless you want a glimpse."

"Absolutely not!" I exclaimed, rolling my eyes and stepping back.

Becky chuckled, wrapping her arms around me from behind. "I'm just teasing. But really, I'm fine on my own. You don't need to worry."

"Are you sure?" I asked, concerned. "If you need help, just tell me. I'll come back, even if I'm in the middle of class."

"I doubt you'd do that," she replied, releasing me. But I turned back to her, embracing her once more.

"You're important to me, Becky. I'll always be here to help," I assured her, rubbing her back.

"Ma'am, this is..." the old maid interjected, catching sight of our embrace. I quickly stepped away.

Taking the tray from the maid, I gestured for Becky to eat while I changed into my school uniform in the walk-in closet.

As Becky focused on her food, I waved goodbye and headed out, only to spot an unfamiliar car outside. It honked at me, prompting a furrowed brow. Who could this be? Were they here for Becky?

The car door opened, revealing a familiar face. She wore a simple yet effortlessly cool outfit: a black long-sleeved shirt tucked into denim jeans.

"I heard you're staying here, little one," Faye said, arms open for a hug. I rushed over, embracing her tightly.

Faye was the girl who had turned Mew into a womanizer before. We met during my first year of college when she owned the café where I often hung out. Although Mew pursued her, she rejected him, confessing she was interested in women. Mew thought that she liked me. However, she didn't clarify this to him, leading to some misunderstandings. Despite this, Mew harbored no ill will towards me. Eventually, Faye left town, closing her café without a goodbye. She was my role model, the reason I strived for excellence in school.

"I've missed you so much!" I exclaimed, clinging to her. When we finally parted, she gazed at me with pride.

"You've grown up so fast, but your brothers are still the same," she remarked, shaking her head. "I'm here to drive you to school. Oh, and I've reopened my café. Want to check it out?"

I eagerly agreed, hopping into her car. But before I could fully settle, I caught sight of Becky glaring at me through the window. Uh-oh. I'd have to explain things to her later. For now, I needed to focus on leaving.

I waved goodbye to Becky with a smile before getting into the car.

"Who's that? And why are you living here?" Faye inquired as she started the engine.

"Her name is Becky. We were both in an accident, and since there was no one to care for her, I insisted," I explained, smiling. "Remember when you stayed over when I was sick because you thought my brothers couldn't take care of me?"

"So you've inherited that trait from me?" Faye teased, shaking her head as she drove off.

"Why? I'm a better woman now because of you," I joked, leaning back in my seat.

I couldn't fully express how happy I was to see her again. It had been too long.

"You're avoiding my question. Is that girl your girlfriend?" Faye prodded. "Don't tell me you're bisexual too because of me?"

"You're bi-yourself, Faye." I laughed.

"I'm not ready, besides I'm still busy making money." She rolled her eyes. "So, what's the catch?"

"No," I replied. "Not yet."

Faye chuckled, teasingly nodding. "Not yet. So you're pursuing her?"

"It's the other way around!" I protested.

"Well, that's not how it looks," she shrugged. "You're staying at her house to take care of her, waving goodbye to placate her jealousy, and pondering how to explain our relationship to her. Am I wrong?"

Damn, she knew me too well.

"Just like you, I'm not ready," I sighed. "But I do like her, Faye. I'm just scared. Maybe I'll tell her soon."

"There's nothing wrong with what you're doing, Freen," she reassured, patting my leg. "But be mindful of your actions. If you keep denying it, she might grow tired of chasing you."

I glanced out the window. Maybe she had a point. Maybe it was time to let Becky know how I truly felt.

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