Chapter 38

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"You called me just to hit the bar?" Faye asked and I raised an eyebrow, hoping she'd catch my hint. "Is this some new version of you, Freen?" Faye's expression was a mix of surprise and disbelief.

"Well, I figured it's about time I indulged a bit. Besides, I'm no longer a minor," I replied casually, reclining in my chair. "And you still owe me one for that background noise during my call with my brother."

Faye's brows shot up even higher. "Absolutely not, Freen. Your brother would have my head if he found out I took you to a bar."

"He won't find out, I promise," I pleaded, mustering my best puppy-dog eyes. "I just want a little drink, and I won't breathe a word to my brothers. Please?"

With a resigned sigh, Faye rolled her eyes. "I'm with my friends, and they're not exactly tame. They drink like there's no tomorrow, and you'll have a hard time saying no. It might be best if you sit this one out."

"But I want to drink with you. Why would I say no?" I persisted, maintaining the puppy eyes until she relented.

"Just don't breathe a word to your brothers, and you need to be home by 10 PM. Got it?" Faye stood up, and I eagerly nodded in agreement.

I needed a distraction, something to take my mind off whatever I'd done and was now regretting. I craved a diversion.

"Let's go, Faye," I said, linking my arm with hers. She rolled her eyes again but nodded, locking up her café and gesturing for me to hop in the car.

As I got in, I noticed Becky watching us from a distance, her teammates pulling her away. She always seemed to be around, doing who knows what.


"Freen, meet Lux, Engfa, and Charlotte. They're my friends. Girls, this is Freen. A student from Beacon Heights," Faye introduced me, but I couldn't help but furrow my brow. We'd been friends since my freshman year, yet she still introduced me like some random student?

"Hey," I greeted with a wave. These girls were a couple of years older than me, all stunning in their own right, except for Charlotte, who exuded a more feminine vibe. Were they all into girls like Faye? Was this bar their usual haunt?

"She looks young. Why bring her here? She's not even 21," Lux remarked, downing her martini and signaling for another.

"She's cute, Lux. Wouldn't you want a petite girlfriend?" Charlotte teased, eliciting laughter from Engfa. Were they mocking my height? They towered over me, but did they really have to talk about it?

"Cut it out, guys. Freen wants to join, so I said she could. Lay off her," Faye interjected, motioning for me to sip my orange juice, which I didn't particularly want, but she insisted.

"Oh, come on, Faye. If Freen wants to drink, let her. She's here to take her mind off things. Why spoil her fun?" Engfa ordered another round from the bartender, flashing a smile my way. "I've got you covered, kiddo."

As the night wore on, the party ramped up, but Faye kept a watchful eye on me, probably because I'd had more than my fair share of tequila. I was feeling a bit tipsy, but still in control.

"Let's do a body shot, babe," Charlotte suggested, eyeing Engfa suggestively. I was certain these two were a couple.

Engfa ordered a bottle of tequila, and the crowd erupted in excitement. Everyone was focused on them, but Faye's gaze never wavered from me, so I decided to watch the spectacle with her.

I watched, wide-eyed, as Engfa placed the lime in her mouth, Charlotte sprinkled salt on her cleavage, and then Charlotte licked it off before downing the tequila and grabbing the lime from Engfa's mouth. I couldn't bear to watch any longer as Faye covered my eyes.

"What's wrong?" I protested, removing her hands. "I was just watching."

"You should head home; things are getting out of hand," Faye insisted, her tone firm as she reached for my hand, but Lux intervened.

"Leaving already?" Lux questioned, eyeing us both. "Since when do you bail without joining in, Faye? You're not chickening out now, are you?"

"I've got a kid here; she doesn't need to see this," Faye argued, attempting to pull me away again, but Engfa and Charlotte blocked our path this time. "I'll catch up after I drop her off. Sound good?"

"You're into this too?" I piped up innocently. I knew Faye could handle her liquor, but I never imagined her doing body shots. How many women had she kissed already?

"I'm an adult, Freen. And you're not. Let's get you home," Faye insisted, trying to usher me away, but I resisted, determined to try it myself. What was the harm in trying? I needed to prove something to myself.

"I'll do it," I insisted, curious to see what it felt like. "But with you."

Faye's eyes widened, and she shook her head, clearly taken aback. The crowd cheered, and despite feeling a bit dizzy, I was resolute. I had to do this, no matter what.

"Why are you doing this?" she questioned, sounding bewildered.

"Promise me you won't do it again after this," I replied, ignoring her question. I didn't want to see her licking anyone else's cleavage or kissing anyone else's lips. It wasn't jealousy; it was... something else.

"Are you out of your mind?" Faye exclaimed, but I paid her no mind. I reached for the salt, sprinkling it on her neck despite her attempts to stop me. Lux held her hands back as she shot me a glare.

"You're tipsy, Freen. I can tell," Faye scolded, but I pressed on. I was feeling it too, but there was more to it than just the alcohol. I needed to prove something to myself.

I placed the lime between her teeth, and she relented, sighing in resignation. She gestured for me to hurry so we could leave after this. I knew I'd be completely wasted after this shot, but I didn't care. That was the plan for tonight.

I grabbed the tequila glass, licking the salt off Faye's neck, making her flinch. Perhaps I was more drunk than I realized, my vision blurring, but I was determined to finish what I'd started. I downed the tequila, swallowing hard before reaching for the lime in her mouth. But before I could grab it, the lime slipped, and our lips met.

Faye recoiled immediately, looking awkward, while the crowd cheered once again. Engfa handed me a lime to help with the aftertaste, smiling and mouthing that it was wild.

I wanted to apologize to Faye, but before I could, I saw her standing while calling someone with my phone. I tried to reach her, but I stumbled and everything went black.

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