Chapter 27

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I rushed to the office after Faye dropped me off at school. Completely forgetting that Nam and I had planned to start a podcast, especially since I'd been absent for a week due to my hospitalization. Upon arrival, I found the camera set up with Nam already starting. Billy was also present, shooting me a curious glance.

"What's up with him?" I whispered to Nam.

"He caught sight of you getting out of someone's car. Looks like he's a tad jealous," Nam replied, passing me the questions for the podcast.

"Jealous? Nah, he's got nothing to worry about," I dismissed, shaking my head, and took my position in front of the camera. "Let's get this show on the road."

As Nam initiated the live stream, I prepared to greet the audience, but before I could, Billy yanked me out of the office, his expression stern.

"What's the deal?" I snapped. "I've got things to do. Can't this wait?"

"I know that car, Freen. It belongs to Faye, the owner of the café from years back. Don't think I wouldn't recognize it," Billy confronted.

"So what? Is she in trouble? Why the sudden attitude?" I retorted, attempting to return to the office, only to be restrained by Billy once more.

"People used to talk, Freen. Before the rumors about us started, they were saying you and Faye were an item. If it weren't for me, you'd have been judged for being with someone so much older. As a council president, you need to set an example. How can you be seen with Faye now, especially after admitting you like Becky?" Billy lectured, relentless in his interrogation.

"What rubbish are you spouting? Dating Faye? She's like a sister to me. Before you jump to conclusions, get your facts straight," I shot back, growing increasingly frustrated as Billy persisted in blocking my path.

"Faye has feelings for you, doesn't she? When your brother confessed, she admitted she's into girls. That's common knowledge. We put this to rest years ago, why are you reopening old wounds? Even if she's returned, you shouldn't associate with her. What will Becky think? She's crazy about you. Imagine how she'll feel if she finds out Faye has feelings for you and you're still hanging out with her?" Billy continued his tirade, heedless of my protests.

"I couldn't care less about idle gossip, Billy. Faye's like family to me, and she's always treated me as such. She never had romantic feelings for me, and I'm into Becky. Nothing changes, even with Faye back. So don't you dare tell me to distance myself from her, got it?" I asserted, attempting to break free from his grasp, only to be met with a forceful grip that left me sore.

"You don't grasp the consequences, Freen. Everyone on campus will talk. Your reputation will take a hit. Besides, Faye isn't exactly a model student. Sure, she's bright and hardworking, but do you know her past? Do you know why she had to close her café? Why involve yourself with someone who—"

"Enough!" I exploded. "I know her better than you ever will, and I won't stand by while you badmouth her. My feelings for Becky won't change, no matter what you think," I declared, breaking away and retreating, my mind reeling with frustration.

Why were they prying into my personal life? They knew nothing about my friends, nothing about Faye's past.

Throughout class, I struggled to concentrate, consumed by anger at Billy's unfounded accusations. How could he speak about Faye like that? He knew nothing about her. All he remembered was some altercation with the president, something I'd never fully understood. But it was over.

"Why the long face?" Faye inquired as she delivered the milk tea I'd ordered, taking a seat opposite me. "Feeling drained?"

"No," I replied, taking a sip.

"It's early yet. Shouldn't you be in class?" she asked, glancing at her watch.

"I should, but I can't focus. I'll hang here for a bit," I explained. "By the way, about before... Students are talking, especially the seniors."

"Before? About what?" Faye raised an eyebrow.

"Your clash with the university president. Did that lead to you closing your café?" I probed.

"Oh, that." Faye sighed, a wistful smile playing on her lips. "I've mentioned that, haven't I? The president and I had a misunderstanding. He thought I was getting too friendly with the students. Someone complained, and he asked me to leave."

"Getting too friendly? You barely spoke to them when I was around. What gives?" I pressed.

"It's a long story," she deflected, rising from her seat to peer out the window. Her brow furrowed as she gazed outside. "Hey, isn't that the girl you mentioned was injured? Looks like she's doing okay."

I followed her gaze, spotting Becky engaged in conversation with another girl. Though I didn't recognize her, there was a hint of familiarity. Before I could react, the girl kissed Becky's forehead, bidding her farewell with a smile. Becky beamed in return. I froze in place.

"And there's your scene," Faye remarked, joining me at the window.

"Seems that way," I replied, still fixated on the sight outside. "What time are you heading home? Can you help me with something at her place?"

"Ah, no," Faye shook her head. "Just because someone kisses another on the forehead doesn't mean they're flirting, Freen." She glanced at me, then planted a kiss on my forehead. "See? No flirting here."

"It's different, Faye. I'm not grinning like a fool when I talk to you," I retorted.

Faye chuckled, pinching my cheeks. "Take it easy, impulsive one. That's not how I raised you."

I sighed, nodding in agreement. But as I glanced back outside, I caught Becky's gaze. Her smile faltered, replaced by a look of hurt. Had she seen that? Why did I always have to be caught in a difficult situation?

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