Chapter 42

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Every morning, I made it a routine to visit Mew at the hospital before heading to school. His battle for recovery was relentless, although his prognosis remained unchanged. He was visibly weaker, his frame more slender than before, yet I held onto hope for his improvement.

"Freen, aren't you coming to watch the women's football match today? I'll give you a ride," Bright offered, checking his watch impatiently.

"Will you be there too?" I hesitated, worrying about distracting Becky. The match likely began already, and I hoped she was performing well.

"Absolutely. Becky's there. You know, we've become quite close," Bright winked. It was good to see them bonding. "Stop overthinking, Mudaeng. Let's go." He grabbed my hand, nodding to our brothers before leaving the room.

I hopped onto Bright's bike, feeling a rush as he sped toward the game. Despite my desire to watch, I hesitated. What if my presence affected Becky's focus? I couldn't risk disrupting her performance.

"Let's sit here," Bright said, securing our seats with a handshake from a fellow spectator.

From our vantage point, I scanned the field but couldn't spot Becky. Instead, she was on the bench, seemingly asleep despite her coach's attempts to engage her. Her indifference was evident, ignoring her coach's frustration. Almost instinctively, my gaze lingered on her.

"I'm not in the mood yet," she responded groggily as she opened her eyes, her expression brightening upon spotting Bright. Was she waiting for him?

"Don't hold back, Becbec!" Bright shouted, eliciting a nod from her.

Our eyes met briefly, but she quickly averted her gaze, signaling her readiness to play to her coach.

Suddenly, the coach motioned for me to approach after Becky went to the field. Nervously, I complied.

"Could you pass this to Becky after the game?" The coach handed me a water bottle, which I accepted with uncertainty. Would she accept anything from me?

Becky maneuvered the ball with skill, seemingly energized by Bright's encouragement. It was a sight to behold, my reserved brother cheered loudly for her. When did this camaraderie blossom? Despite my conflicting emotions, I was relieved to see her joy again. Should I let go and stop intruding on her life?

"Becky!!!" Another spectator called out enthusiastically. "Marry me!"

I managed a faint smile as Becky ignored the distraction, focusing on the game. Her triumphant goal was met with a smile directed my way, which quickly faded as she turned to acknowledge Bright. Was this her way of provoking jealousy? She knew my feelings all too well; she didn't need to resort to such tactics.

After the match, I handed Becky the water bottle, which she thanked me for before rushing to embrace Bright.

"I scored five. Beat that tomorrow, okay?" Becky teased him. "Or prepare to face the consequences."

"Alright, little one. But don't get ahead of yourself. I have experience and seniority on my side," Bright teased back, his playful banter piercing through me.

Excusing myself, I retreated to the Student Council office, struggling to contain my tears. It hurt witnessing her happiness, knowing I wasn't the cause. I should have been the one bringing joy to her life. How could I win her back when she seemed happier without me?

As I sobbed in solitude, a knock interrupted my despair. I hastily composed myself, expecting a student in need. To my surprise, it was Becky, holding her duffle bag, reminiscent of times past when we'd leave together.

"Are you alright?" she inquired, concern evident in her gaze.

"Yes," I replied with a forced smile, wiping away my tears. "What do you need?"

"The coach mentioned a basketball event outside school. It's like a camping trip combined with basketball," Becky explained, her concern shifting to me. Her genuine care struck me; this wasn't about revenge.

"Did you inform them of your decision?" I asked, tears were still streaming down my face uncontrollably.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Becky reached out, wiping away my tears, her concern palpable. I realized her actions were genuine; there was no ulterior motive.

"I'm fine. Just tired eyes. What's your plan for the camping trip?" I deflected, wanting to move past my vulnerability.

"I'll go, but the coach said you have to come with me. If you're available," Becky replied, offering me a chance to reconnect. "But if you're busy, I'll ask Nam."

"I'll come," I affirmed, seizing the opportunity to be close to her once more. "Tomorrow?"

"Yes, after your brother's match. We'll go together. Is that alright?" she asked, her gaze searching mine.

I nodded slowly, reciprocating her nod. As she turned to leave, I watched her disappear from view, a pang of longing gripping my heart. Why did I feel so distant from her? I yearned to bridge the gap between us, to reclaim what was lost! But how? If in every step I take, she would step backwards.

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