Chapter 17

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Billy, Nam, and I headed to the bar to celebrate. Mew let me in since he knew Billy, and I was heading home tonight. As we stepped into the bar, the bouncer halted us and requested our IDs. I furrowed my brows. Did I really look like a minor?

"Ma'am, please. If you don't have one, you can't enter," he insisted, blocking our way.

I huffed and fished out my ID from my bag. I wasn't fond of being mistaken for underage. Seriously, did I look that young? I'm 20 for crying out loud!

"Calm down, Freen," Billy chuckled as we found seats inside. The bar was too noisy for my liking, and I wasn't having much fun. There were familiar faces around, likely fellow students, but their names escaped me. Though, they definitely knew mine. Imagine, a model student spotted at a bar? That'd make quite the headline in tomorrow's school publication.

"Looks like you're giving all the news writers material for tomorrow, Nam. I spy some students here. I'd rather not end up in tomorrow's headlines," I remarked, and Nam nodded in agreement, "do something."

Nam excused herself to make a call, while Billy headed to the counter for drinks. I scanned the room for him but found a familiar figure flirting with a woman instead. Was that my brother? What was he doing here? He should be home by now.

"So, what do you do for a living?" Mile inquired, his attention on the woman he was chatting up, while I stood behind him, waiting for him to notice me.

"I'm still a student," the woman replied, prompting me to raise an eyebrow. Her voice sounded oddly familiar. I turned to her and was surprised to see Becky's face. She didn't look like your typical 18-year-old college student. Her makeup was sophisticated and elegant. How did she pull that off?

"Freen?" Mile finally noticed me and paused. "What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here?" I shot back at Becky. "You should be resting. What's with the flirting?"

Becky glanced away and downed the last of her tequila before sighing. "Says the one who flirts on live streams?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Wait, you're Becky?" Mile was taken aback. He knew Becky, but perhaps due to the makeup and the drinks, he hadn't realized it was the same Becky I'd mentioned. "You two need to leave. This isn't the place for students like you." Mile ushered us towards the exit, shooting me a glare and signaling that we'd talk later.

As Becky moved to leave, I grabbed her arm, forcing her to face me. She shot me a death glare, but I ignored it.

"Why are you here, flirting with my brother? Is this your revenge because Billy kissed me on the live stream? How immature of you, Bec!" I scolded her, but she remained silent.

"Immature? Who's being immature?" she retorted. "I'm not flirting with your brother, Freen. I bumped into him earlier, and we talked. I entertained him because I know you're close to him, and I want to be on good terms with everyone close to you, because I..." Becky trailed off.

"What, Becky? Finish your sentence," I prodded.

Becky averted her gaze. "Forget it. I'll go home."

"Stop right there, Becky!" I called out as she turned to leave again. I stepped in front of her, lifting her chin to meet my eyes. "You don't have the right to be jealous. We're not in a relationship. If Billy kissed me, that's none of your business. Understand?"

Becky's eyes welled up with tears. It pained me to see her like this. It was better to hurt her now than to lead her on with false hope.

"But why are you jealous when I talk to your brother?" she asked, her voice choked with emotion as tears streamed down her face. "Why do you show me, in some ways, that I deserve to be cared for?"

"You're like the little sister I never had, Becky. That guy, my brother, he's a heartbreaker. You're like family to me, and that's why I'm concerned," I explained, reaching out to pull her into a hug.

Damn, I couldn't bear to see her hurt without offering comfort. She was more vulnerable than she appeared. How could I make her stop developing feelings for me?

"But I don't want to be your sister, Freen. I want to be yours," Becky whispered. I knew, but I couldn't reciprocate.

"I can't, Becky. We're both women. I can't," I replied, rubbing her back as she pulled away, running off into the night. I could feel her pain, but I couldn't give her something she wanted, especially if I didn't feel the same. I didn't want to keep pitying her. This had to be enough. It had to be, because I couldn't hurt her any further.

"Freen!" Billy's voice snapped me out of my thoughts, and I turned to see him looking after Becky as she disappeared into the darkness. "What happened to her?"

"Let her be," I said, patting his shoulder. "Sometimes, it's for the best."

"What did you say to her?" Billy inquired.

"The truth."

"You don't understand how much she's changed, Freen, ever since you became friends with her. But if you think this is for the best, then I won't interfere," Billy said, avoiding eye contact.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked.

"For hurting Becky? Yes. But it's not my place. You're an adult now. You know what's best," Billy said, tousling my hair before heading back into the bar. I stayed outside, staring at the spot where Becky had vanished. A thought crossed my mind. "I can't go back in. My brother's in there. I'll head home."

Instead of going home, I followed Becky and found her crying under a tree. It was dark, and I couldn't see her face, but her sobs tore at my heart. How had she developed feelings for me so quickly? I wasn't the type of person people fell in love with easily. What did she see in me?

Suddenly, a car pulled up in front of her. Becky wiped her tears as a girl emerged from the car and rushed to embrace her. She held Becky tightly as Becky cried into her shoulder. Finally, someone who could comfort her. Someone who could give her the attention she sought from me.

"Let's go back to your place," the girl suggested, but Becky shook her head. "Why not?"

"Freen will follow me. I know her. She'll come here," Becky sobbed, confirming my suspicions. How did she know that?

"Let's not wait. If she comes, she comes," the girl replied, and I watched as Becky got into the car. The girl glanced in my direction, acknowledging my presence but not revealing it to Becky. I turned away and walked off. Finally, I wouldn't have to deal with Becky's feelings every day. I could return to my normal life. Hopefully, it would be peaceful.

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