Part 1(S1)

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Author: Me (please don't steal my work) 

Note : I really hope you enjoy this book as much as I do, please vote and comment!

Word Count : 1387



I can feel a tight blanket wrapped on me, I'm laying on a bed. The room was quiet but I could hear people talking together, their voices muffled they had to be in another room. I tightened my hand I could feel it, then I tried my toes I could feel them too.

I opened my eyes a light shining bright above me, the ceiling looked like those in a hospital. I quickly sat up hating even the idea of a hospital. I looked around me, It almost looked like a hospital room but it was different. A lab maybe? There was a couple desks against the wall with a bunch of papers and a big laptop that was turned on. I kept scanning the room the walls were white and the room was poorly decorated. Feeling a pinching in my arm I looked down I had a IV in, what the hell? I quickly took it out, and a couple more attachments on me. I was wearing a shirt and black sweatpants, I didn't know what the print on the front of it said. But that didn't matter. I had to figure out what was going on. 

I stood off the bed feeling light headed when chaos erupted in the room next to me. I looked through the glass that had a room behind it, kinda like one of the rooms we watch the suspect in when we talk to them, except you could clearly see through it. 

I got my balance and started walking when a boy maybe in his twenty's comes running through the push door and puts his hands up "Wait, wait, wait " He tucked his curly hair behind his ear "Its okay, your at S.T.A.R labs"

 "Why am I here?" I asked rubbing my head  

A girl with brown hair walked in and looked at me "You have been in a coma" She said and stood next to the boy. 

"A coma?!" I looked around "How long?" 

They looked at each other "like ten months" The boy said hesitantly 

My eyes widened "Ten months?!" panic rushed through me "Who are you, why am I here and not at a hospital?" 

"My name is Cisco Ramon this is Dr. Caitlin snow, we are just trying to help you" 

It was quiet for a moment, I watched their body langue. 

"Wait how did you take out the IV?" Caitlin asked and scooted closer to me to investigate my arm

I looked down "I-" then it hit me "I took a med class in school" 

"Do you remember your name?" Cisco asked 

I looked around trying to remember "Thea Queen" I started remembering my brother Oliver and my family, when I put the the pieces together. 

Some boy walked into the room his hand covering his eyes as he groaned "Ugh Cisco do you have anymore of that medicine you gave me, to help me sleep?" 

Cisco cleared his throat as the boy moved his hand away from his face "Oh hey..." He walked over to me and put his hand out wanting me to shake his hand to introduce him. "My name is Barry"

I looked at him, he was perfect. His blue eyes stared at me as I took a minute to take it all in. I looked down to his hand and slowly shook his hand. "Thea" I said and looked at him.

"Thea? Nice to met you" He smiled and backed up to stand by Cisco and Caitlin.

After a minute of silence again I spoke up "Um well nice to meet you guys" I walked around them as they kept their eyes on me "Thank's for keeping me alive" I walked toward the door and turned around again to see them staring at me, confusion on their faces. I nodded and walked out, I needed to see my brother and figure out what was going on. 

I walked down the halls and read a sign giving directions, I headed toward the elevator when Barry stopped me "Hey," He walked toward me slowly "Thea?" he asked 

I turned to face him.

"Listen I know how you feel, I woke up in a coma too" he paused "It was a couple months before you did" 

I looked at him "Okay?" I asked trying not to sound mean

He nodded "I know you don't trust me or any of us, I get that I do" he paused again "But we all just wanna make sure your okay" 

I looked at him a slight smile on my face "I need to go see my family though"

"Your brother?" He asked "Oliver Queen?" 

I turned my head to the side "You know him?" 

He nodded "He is in Starling City right now"

I scoffed "So, can I go now?" 

"I just want you to be okay  and I could call him up and he'd be here in like two hours give or take.  Can we please just run some test on you, maybe you could get to know the team and we could just talk?" He slightly walked closer to me

I thought for a second. I had my doubts for sure but something felt right "Okay"

He smiled and I walked next to him. We walked through the halls he showed me everything he knew. Grods broken cage which creeped me out, the particle accelerator that exploded and caused both of our comas, the cortex, Cisco's workshop, it was kinda fun. We talked about random stuff, it was nice. We honestly connected really well. 

After the whole walk around he walked me back to the cortex where Caitlin and Cisco were working on something. "Hey guys, were back" 

I walked toward them "You wanted to do tests?" I asked her and she nodded with a smile on her face. 

We walked to sit down, she grabbed her equipment and I sat on the chair. She sat down in front of me and started to work on me, drawing blood. I looked around me hearing some machine whirling, maybe even tires on the ground. It didn't sound like a vehicle but I couldn't figure it out.

Caitlin saw my panic and took the needle out "Its okay its just Dr. Harrison Wells" 

He rolled into the room on a wheelchair but an electrical one. "Oh hello there, you must've woken up while I was gone" He put his hand up to me trying to shake it. I instead shook my head and he pulled his hand away "That's fine" he smiled. 

I looked at Caitlin and she looked to Dr. Harrison Wells, "So did you enjoy finally getting out of here Dr. Wells?" She turned back to my blood sample and placed a drop on a glass under a microscope one that I wasn't quiet familiar with. 

He shook his head "I did not, a couple threw there food at me while I was in my car" He sucked in a breath of air "It was quiet embarrassing" he admitted 

I tapped Caitlin's arm "I'm gonna go talk to Barry for a second Ill be right back" 

She nodded and smiled, I stood up and walked around the wheelchair heading toward Barry. Who was tapping away on a computer, just standing there one hand holding his body off the table the other messing with it. I couldn't help myself from admiring him even just for a second. 

"Hey did you call Oliver?" I asked him 

He nodded then looked up and smiled at me "He should be here in like a hour" 

I smiled "Okay" 

Barry looked at Harrison and back to me "Its pretty cool huh?" 

I looked at him as he looked in the direction of Harrison. I shook my head "I don't understand it" I paused "He blew up the city, and for what reason again?" 

Barry got quiet "Oh come on, he was trying to advance the world." 

I shook my head and looked at Harrison "I don't know something about him doesn't make me sit right with myself" 

Barry looked at me "I don't know, I guess time will tell"

I shrugged and walked back over to Caitlin and sat down to finish testing. 


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