Part 13

15 2 0

Author : Me

Note : This one's good (i think). Also amazing photo.

Word count : 1312

Date posted : 03.27.24


"Barry how do I stop this thing?!" I ran to the other side of the man punching straight through his body of sand. 

Barry groaned "I don't know I can't even seem to get a punch in!" 

I kept trying but it led me nowhere "Cisco, or Caitlin do you guys have anything?!" I yelled over comms. 

They didn't respond but I heard Harrison's voice "You have to hit it with lightning" 

I laughed "I don't know how to throw lightning yet Harrison!" I had annoyance in my voice

Barry said the same "Harrison we haven't learned that"

I was hit by the sand guy and I was thrown back against a building. Pain coursed through my back feeling the intensity and burn of the hit. 

I groaned and stood up making it hurt so much worse. "Guys come on give us something!?" I yelled 

"You controlled lightning earlier you have to do it again" Jay said 

I watched Barry doing his best but he wasn't doing much to the sand. "Listen Jay I don't know why that happened but I can't control lightning!" 

Suddenly there were these black flashing lights, I closed my eyes shut feeling dizzy. I backed up onto the wall feeling the burning headache that had to show up. I grabbed my head shutting my eyes tightly. 


Randomly it all stopped and I looked up and around me seeing all black, except one thing.
My mother. 

I looked at her confused. Her hair was beautifully curled and her face was filled with happiness.  "Thea" 

After she had sacrificed herself that night I had always blamed myself for it. "Mom...?" This couldn't be real, but I honestly didn't care. After a second I walked closer to her examining her "Your not actually my mom are you?" 

She shook her head and watched my expression change "Thea, I'm the speed force" 

My eyes met hers "Speed force?" 

She nodded a small smile still on her face "I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you" 

"For me?" I felt so much pain seeing her alive again. 

She sighed and stepped closer to me "The night of the particle accelerator explosion I was created, but I needed a..." she paused "A somewhat anchor" 

Confused I watched her. 

"Thea, you aren't just a part of the speed force. You make up the speed force." She smiled. 

I looked at the ground "So I don't just use the speed force, I'm the reason it's here?" 

She nodded "We choose you because of your strength and your courage and honestly even your past" 

I stayed silent and thought it through. "Why am I here, I need to be out there fighting next to Barry?" 

"Because you can control lightning Thea, you just need to focus" She paused and I looked at her "We are all on your side, and everything will be okay I promise" 

I smiled hearing that "Okay" I closed my eyes going back to the exact moment I left.  

The sand guy had Barry holding him by his neck. "NO!" I yelled grabbing his attention. 

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