Part 21

13 2 0

Author : Me 

Note : 

Word count : 1471

Date posted : 4.6.24


"Barry come on we have to go!" I raised my voice so he could hear me from the hallway.

He walked in, just a second later and said his goodbyes to everyone.Iris, Joe, Harry, Cisco, and Caitlin all watched us as we positioned our bodies in front of the portal. 

I looked at Barry again and he nodded to me putting his mask over his face, I did the same with my hood. Before I knew it we were off flying through the portal, which was blue and flowy. I had to focus on the earth we were going to, almost was a bit hard to do but once I did. I was there standing next to Barry. 

He turned his head around the room taking everything in. We were in the same room we left in, except there were no people and there was a orange-ish tint that hung in the room. His eyes met mine "I think we are here" 

I nodded "Me too-" laughter erupted from the hallway and I vibrated myself so I was invisible Barry doing the same.

Two girls walked in looking around the room, that's when I realized there was a boundary line set up for the portal. They both exammed the room, I watched them and slowly walked toward the wall. When one of the girl's watches beeped red. They both looked at each other with fear on their faces. I quickly went for it and ran out of the room, making air blow beside them. 

I got to the time vault and Barry followed looking at me. "That might be a problem"

I shrugged "Come on, we gotta keep going" I ran out of earth two S.T.A.R labs which looked like it had turned into a museum but I didn't bother stopping, we had to find Jessie. 

I followed the directions with Barry right beside me. We ended up in the woods, looking desperately for where he was keeping Jessie. When I heard him yell beside me and pull me down "Duck!" 

I looked to him beside me when he shushed me "Caitlin- or whoever that is, she tried to shoot at you" He whispered looking over the tree we keeled behind. 

I watched his expression become frantic and I looked over the tree as well. When something caught my attention and my head shot back in front of me. It was Caitlin, but she had blue hair, and blue lip gloss, pretty make-up but she had a look of pure hatred on her face. She held a ice knife to my throat not saying anything.

I squirmed "Oh-" 

Barry looked around but quickly backed up against the tree when she quickly held a knife to his neck as well. 

"It was wrong to come here, Zoom will hunt you down and kill you" She said with fear in her voice. 

I vibrated my body and stood up through the knife, it breaking in half behind me. "We aren't here to hurt you" 

Barry stood up doing the same and she backed up. "Oh two speed-steers well this will be fun" 

Me and Barry made eye contact "I've said it and I'll say it again. We aren't here to hurt you." 

She smirked with a crazy look on her face "But I'm here to hurt you" 

Great so that wouldn't work. She quickly threw a ice blade at me and I moved out of the way so I wouldn't get hit. She threw a couple more, me and Barry just dodging them. 

Barry walked closer to her with his hands up "Caitlin, we aren't trying-"

She made more ice in her hands "My name is not Caitlin!" She lunged at Barry and he fell to the grass and sticks behind him. 

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