Part 11(S2)

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Aurthor : Me 

Note : With every 10 parts is one season in the movie (if that makes any sense)

Word count : 1404

Date posted : 3.25.24


The night went on and we decided to stay at the loft for the night. Even though we hadn't moved in yet we used a air mattress, and set up some small stuff for the night. It was nice and comforting being able to sleep in our own place, just us. 

When I woke up the sun was glaring in my eyes and I sat up looking to Barry. He slowly opened his eyes looking up at me, his hair was a adorable mess like it always is. He brought his hands to his face as he rubbed his eyes and groaned. "We gotta move in today because this air mattress isn't very comfy"

I smiled and leaned in to him kissing his lips softly, he kissed back and looked at me. "I still can't believe this" I told him 

He just smiled at me tilting his head "I can't either, but I am so excited" 

We sat staring at each other for a second before I got up and admired the view out side. "Come on, we gotta tell everyone" I turned around to see Barry quickly move his eyes to mine and I smirked at him. My over sized shirt covered my shorts but you could tell.

He scratched his head and cleared his throat "Yea- yea of course" 

I smiled and laughed at him "Come on I'm heading to Joe's house to get ready, are you coming?" 

He nodded at me "I'll race you" 

I shook my head and waited for him to get on his feet "You'l lose" 

He smiled and started running to Joe's house me following beside him. I sped up faster and watched Barry behind me. 

"Ha ha I told you I would win" I stated and slid in the door.

Barry smiled to me "Your just too fast I can't beat you" 

"I'm gonna get read-" something held me by my neck, they had to of been standing behind me because I couldn't see them. I couldn't feel the floor beneath me, I clawed at the hands but I was too panicked to phase. 

Barry stood in front of me a deathly look on his face, but his gaze didn't met mine. It met something or somebody else's beside me. My breathing was cutting off I couldn't get myself to calm down to be able to phase. 

"Pleas... you... don't... have.. to do... this" I managed to say but they just squeezed harder. 

Barry ran to the person beside me and tried to stop them but they wouldn't. 

I started to pass out and everything got dark and quiet. 

"Thea, Thea wake up!" I heard Barry's panicky voice and I looked up. 

"Barry" I asked, I looked around me I was in the med lab 

Barry looked at me and sighed he was still in his suit but his mask was off "Oh my god Thea" He hugged me tightly.

I winced hugging back "Barr what happened?" 

He looked at me "You- you were struck by lighting- but they were all different- the lighting was different- colors" He stumbled his words 

"Barry" I watched him his eyes watering "Barr, it's okay" 

He swallowed "I know" He took some deep breaths and restarted "When Zoom had you and you were passing out..." He paused "You were struck by a bunch of lighting, I don't know how to explain it" 

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