Part 37

8 1 0

Author : Me 

Note : 

Word count : 1378

Date posted : 4.30.24


"Hey sorry, I didn't know where else to go" I look at him, sitting at the bar in our messy old loft. I hold up a bag of food for him "You know it is a bit more expensive in the future." I keep eating my food feeling starved. 

"Yeah, it's crazy huh" He rubs his head, watching me. "Wait is this for me?" he asks

I nod and hand him a bag "Yeah, I didn't know if you were hungry" 

He smiles at me and takes the bag. "It's kinda hard for me to see you in here" 

"Oh I'm sorry I can leave-" 

"No, no please don't!" He sits next to me and opens his bag 

I try to relax and start eating again, the room got quiet and we both just ate our food till he spoke up again. 

"Do you maybe wanna go grab a coffee?" His eyes met mine. 

"Barry I really gotta get back to my time, me being here isn't any good" I set my food down and looked at him, he wanted to spend time with me. I could puzzle that together. "Barry, um Cisco he told me what happened... to me." 

He sighed and his eyes went to the dirty floor. He didn't speak. 

"Barry" I tried to get him to say something, anything but he wouldn't. "Hey" 

He finally looked at me "I tried to save you" His voice cracked and he looked at the ground again lowering his head down so I couldn't look at him. 

"Hey, hey" I was quiet and delicate with my words. "Barr" I gently pulled his chin up looking at him. 

His eyes were watered and he pulled away to rub them. 

"I know you tried" I knew that he meant it, I could hear it in his voice. "What happens isn't your fault." 

"It is!" He pulls away and stands to his feet "I wasn't fast enough, me!" 

He was raising his voice again. "Barry, I won't let it happen." 

"You can't change the future Thea it is set in stone!" Anger and fear, was the only thing I heard from him. 

"It isn't set in stone." I argued "Listen I don't want to fight, but Barry you have to have faith." 

"In what?" He walked closer to me "I don't even get to marry you!" 

I felt my heart stop, that means my death really is close. 

"Yeah, take that in. I don't even get to change your name, and your wanting me to have faith?" He was so hurt, and angry, and he didn't like himself with out me in his life. 

I walked to him standing right in front of him. "You were so peaceful, you used to be so calm, and gentle. This isn't the guy I know, this seems like a stranger." 

He looked sad. 

"Where is my Barry Allen the one I know, under all of that pain?" I asked placing my hand on his cheek. 

He looked at me, not saying a word. 

I leaned closer to him bringing our lips closer to each others. I wanted to kiss him, I wanted to tell him everything was alright, and that I wasn't going to die. I brought my other hand and placed it on his cheek, cupping both sides. Slowly I pushed my lips on his, allowing him to do the same. And he did. His hands went to my back pulling me into him. Something he always did when we kissed. 

I pulled away and watched his expression "Why'd you do that?" He asked 

I shrugged "Felt like you needed it" I talked softly, almost a whisper. 

He hugged me, resting his head on my shoulder. I hugged him back, tightly. He was hurt, it really hurt him that he couldn't save me. We stood in silence for a second, just enjoying each others company. 

"I can't stay in the time for much longer" I rubbed his back holding in the hug for a little bit longer. 

When he finally released me from his grip he agreed. "Yeah, it isn't right even for you to mess with the time line" 

"Yeah" I paused looking into his eyes "When I go back I need you to get better, I need you to get team Flash back together. No matter how hard it is." 

He was hesitant but nodded looking at me.

"Promise?" I ask needing him to get better.

He nods again making eye contact with me "I promise" He was being honest I could hear it in his voice. 

A smile grows on my face "Come on, I wanna say goodbye to the whole team one more time." I started walking toward the door but it turned into a run, I wanted to find the team. 

I started with Caitlin, she was now working at mercury labs. I said my goodbyes to her, and she was so happy to see me. My death made it harder on her, like everyone else. Then I found Iris, who was engaged with a new guy which I didn't want to met. She had her own reporter office, she was kinda a big deal. After her I stopped to see Joe, he was now actually chief of the police station. He was really happy to see me, but he was happy to see Barry as well. 

After I was done saying bye to everyone I went back to S.T.A.R labs with Barry. We were going to use the pipeline to get me back. But of course I had to see Cisco one more time, I went to where I first found him with Barry. He was still there. 

"Hey Cisco I have to head back" I looked at him, he was still cleaning around him. 

He looked up at me and to Barry surprised. "Can't you stay a little longer, you know help get the team together again?" 

I smiled at him "Cisco, I can't mess with the time line. The speed force is helping me manipulate it right now but even still, Savitar is looking for me. And when he does, it can't be in this time." 

He sighed and walked over to me, giving me a side hug. "Thank you, I know you didn't travel to the future just to see us. But I'm glad you managed to get here" 

I hugged him back "Just help get the team back" I stepped back and looked at Barry.

He was watching Cisco, staying quiet. 

"I haven't seen you in a long time man I-" Cisco started talking but was cut off. 

Barry walked closer to him. "Thea, made me realize a lot of things. And I'm sorry I just abandoned you and pushed you away." 

I'm glad they were figuring things out, it made me think. If I was actually going to die, my past self would come back here and fix things. They hugged, and I knew it would be okay. They would all heal and be there for each other. Well I could hope so at least. 

I looked at my watch "Okay guys we gotta get going" 

They both pulled away and Cisco rubbed his eyes "Let's do it" 

We got to the pipeline and Cisco opened the door. They knew I couldn't stay there, and they accepted that. Barry looked at me and wrapped his arms over my shoulders, pulling me in a tight hug. I wrapped my arms around his wait holding onto him. 

"You helped me a lot Thea" He pulled away from the hug and looked at me "Thank you" 

I smiled at him "Of course, your a good person Barry." 

He looked back at the pipeline smiling "I guess this is goodbye then?" 

I nod and look in the direction "Yea this is goodbye" 

Cisco stays silent and stands next to the door controls. Letting us have our moment.

I take a breath and start running around the pipeline, circling it more and more going faster and faster. Till the portal opened. I waited till it was big enough for me to enter and when it was I jumped into it. Before I knew it I was back to my time. 

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