Part 8

20 2 0

Author: Me 

Note : If I end up not posting the story in a regular scheduled time for me, I probably got locked out or forgot my password to Wattpad... 

Word count : 1559

Date posted : 3.22.24


We walked into the cortex and everyone was sitting around doing nothing, "Guys come on, lets go get a drink or something" i paused and everyone looked at me "What are you guys too old to go out for a drink?" 

They all broke out into argument against me and I looked to Barry "I'll go to the bar with you" 

Cisco spoke up "You guys cant even get drunk" 

I scoffed "Yea but didn't you make something for that?"

He got silent and nodded "Yeah I did, I'm down to go" 

I celebrated silently and slowly everyone else joined as well.

When we got to the bar Cisco was downing drinks like it was regular, Caitlin was just playing some darts with me. Everyone was doing their own thing so I walked over to Barry and nudged him. 

He started to stumble but caught himself and looked at me with a finger in my face "That was very rude" 

I giggled and sipped my drink "Are you drunk Barry Allen?"

He nodded and laughed "No, I'm the flash" he whispered 

I stood up and smiled "Okay well have fun flash" 

The rest of the night was quiet. I was mostly the one taking care of the whole team, other than a little bit of help from Caitlin but she was mostly out too.

I managed to put Cisco, and Caitlin in their apartments leaving a little sticky note for all of them when they woke up. But when I got back to the Cortex to help Barry get back I ran into a little problem. Barry was being held by another speedster, he was trying desperately to give away from his grasp but he was resistant.

"Hey!" I yelled and got the man's attention "Put him down!" 

He tilted his head and ran toward me, he had a black suit and black lighting, his voice was deep and horrifying. His body was inches from mine but I stood my ground.

"Your different" He hissed 

I kept our eyes locked "Leave, and don't come back"

Chuckling he looked at Barry and back to me "Hm no. I came here for something, and you won't stop me from getting that" 

I ran in front and grabbed Barry placing him on the floor passed out behind me."If you even think about it-"

'His hand' The voice urged

I looked down seeing meta cuffs in his right hand. I shook my head and cuffed him, it took me a second to go faster than him but I did.

He looked at me and laughed, phasing the meta cuffs causing them to break and fall to the ground in little pieces. "Those cuffs won't stop me" 

With that he zoomed out not saying anything else.

The next morning when everyone showed up late, all completely sober. I had to tell them what had happened. "Guys, there's another speedster"

Barry walked in with his hoodie on "Yeah me"

Cisco laughed and slapped his shoulder. 

"No, last night."

Caitlin looked at me "Who?"

I shook my head and swallowed "I have no idea, he was in black and had black lighting" 

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