Part 36

11 1 0

Author : Me 

Note : I really hope you guys are enjoying all of these, cuz if I'm honest its kinda hard work.... but I like it :)

Word count : 1421

Date posted : 4.28.24 


I planted my feet under me. My body was technically trembling with fear, but I couldn't show it. "Savitar you don't have to do this-"

"Shut up!" He ran toward me and held me by my neck. 

My feet were lifted off the ground. I was scrambling my feet, trying to free myself. I was too panicked. 

"Lightning!"  The voice echoed in my head. 

I looked at him, feeling the energy from the sky form a lightning bolt. A couple of them actually, "I don't want to do this." 

He tightened his grip, and I closed my eyes shut. But I felt a shock, a jolt of lightning if I'm correct, and he didn't speak. I opened my eyes, sitting on the ground. I looked at him, he knelled on the ground holding his head with one hand. His suit was powering off, the blue glitched out and turned to the color of the metal. 

"I'm.. are you-" I stood up trying to catch my breath, when I saw him run away. A blue lightning streak behind him. 

Just then I blacked out. 

The darkness took over and I was standing with my mom again. "Hello" Her voice was so peaceful. 

I hugged her tightly "Why am I in here, and not out there?" 

She sighed "Thea, Savitar took you to the future." 

"Yeah that explains a lot but why am I here!?" I was almost angry, I needed to get back to Barry and my job and CCPD and.... Barry. 

"So um your future team is the one that has you right now." She explained extremely confusing.

I scoffed "That is just amazing!" I felt my anger rising "I'm sorry, I just got really hurt and I'm trapped in my mind!" 

I saw her eyes travel to the ground. "You have so much potential with your power but you refuse to unlock every mystery" 

I looked at her confused "What, what do you mean?" 

"I can not tell you, you will probably find out anyways. Just try to make this trip short and when your healed just run on back to the present." She rubbed my hand "Try to close your eyes and relax it will be over soon." 

I agree, having a major headache. Just wanting to sit in nothing and do nothing. Just the best.

When I open my eyes, the ceiling is dark and messy. I'm in the med lab. I scan the room, and find Barry siting next to me watching my movements. "Barry?!" 

His eyes travel to mine, he looks older. He isn't as well taken care of, his hair is longer, his face is dirty, his cloths looked like he hadn't changed in weeks. He smiled with tears in his eyes, hearing his name "Hi Thea" 

I place my hand on his, looking around the room. It's all destroyed only the bed part is cleaned up. Its dark and there is only the light above me on in the room. "Your Barry from the future, right?" 

He nods staying quiet. 

"What's wrong, and what happened here. It's all so messy." I squeezed his hand, trying to get a response from him. 

He sniffles and looked around the room giving me a not so funny laugh "Yeah that is all one heck of a story."  

My whole body hurts but I ignore it. "Mind telling me?" I ask

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